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  • Added on Dec 19, 2018
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
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Adds an ad unit AdSense on page

Plugin work in 2 modes:


  • Includes AdSense
  • Auto loads AdSense JS-files
  • Pre settings for AdSense
  • Mode for run in developer demo mode

Live demo

My others quality plugins:

  • UniDoc(Generate Excel, Word (PhpOffice), Pdf (Snappy || mPDF || TCPD || Dompdf) documents easy on fly and make manipulations with files)
  • Expander (Extend all available models: adding all types custom fields +attributes for model with in database save, and controllers: extends lists and adding custom Behaviors with built-in CMS tools in easy visual mode)
  • Multi Domains (Create multiple domains or url and bind this to arbitry theme or page/staticpage with extending routing rules use single CMS installation)
  • Back To Front (Components for creates All Backend Widgets in Frontend pages: Lists, Search, Filter, Forms, FormWidgets, MediaManager, Reports and manage this items)
  • Backend Menu (Complete change and reconfiguration of all menus in backend: adding, rename, move, hide, icons adding and change)
  • Backend Popup (Quick modify records in backend controllers lists in modal popup mode)
  • Datatables (View big data table on page in Ajax-mode)
  • Auto SEO (Full SEO automate. Generate SEO tags based on rules and page content data)
  • Desktop application builder (Free experimental plugin. Easy make Desktop Application on OctoberCMS base)
  • Shortcodes Engine (Free plugin. Core plugin for includes shortcodes in page content, support Static pages)
  • Include Content (Free plugin. Include content on page from other site or file)
Demo work in 2 modes: standart component and shortcode (uses ShortcodesEngine)

Beginning of work

1. First create general default settings. Default variables:

  • Display Type - Assets type (either "banner" or "fixed")
  • Direction - Assets direction (either "left", "right", "top", "bottom")
  • AdSense Client-ID - AdSense client
  • AdSense Slot-ID - AdSense slot
  • On sandbox mode - Enables a demo mode for local purpose
  • AdSense API JavaScript - AdSense script url (https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js)

2. Work use Component "Adsense" ("SCPADSENSE" plugin, "SCP" signify "ShortCodesPlugin").

Component settings variables:

  • Display Type - Assets type (either "banner" or "fixed"), if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • Direction - Assets direction (either "left", "right", "top", "bottom"), if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • AdSense Client-ID - AdSense client-id, if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • AdSense Slot-ID - AdSense slot-id, if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • On sandbox mode - Enables a demo mode for local purpose
  • Class - specifed class for this AdSense blok adding to class="adsbygoogle ..YOUR CLASS..")

3. Work use shortcode (works only with ShortcodesEngine plugin present):

[adsense type="" direction="" client="" slot="" class=""][/adsense]

  • type - either "banner" or "fixed", if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • direction - either "left", "right", "top", "bottom", if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • client - AdSense client-id, if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • slot - AdSense slot-id, if not set is taken from default plugin settings
  • class - specifed class for this AdSense blok adding to class="adsbygoogle ..YOUR CLASS..")

Use Twig for this shortcode:

{% set twig_adsense = '[adsense type="" direction="" client="" slot="" class=""][/adsense]' %} {{ twig_adsense|shortcodes }}


- Initialize plugin

Dec 18, 2018