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A highly flexible theme with a lot of customizations. Requires the following plugins:


  • Required plugins
  • Manage menu
  • Manage pages
  • Manage Sliders
  • Manage Projects
  • Manage Contact form
  • Manage Services
  • Manage Progress Circles
  • Installing Node Packages (dev packages only)
  • Seed with dummy data

Required plugins

This theme requires the following plugins (which will normally be automatically installed with this theme).

Manage menu

Go to Pages -> Menu there you'll find Main Menu. Change the where you can change the menu names and urls.

Manage pages

Go to Pages -> Pages here you'll find the Home page. When you click on it you have several tabs where you can edit the content of the sections on the homepage.

From the left you can insert components, which will be generated with the required plugins.

Manage Sliders

This requires the getRight Sliders plugin, which will be automatically installed when installing this theme. Go to Slides here you can add new slides with there images, title and caption.

Manage Projects

This requires the getRight Projects plugin, which will be automatically installed when installing this theme. Go to Projects here you can add an image and a title for every project

Manage Contact Form

The contact form settings can be managed from Settings -> getRight Contact

Manage Services

The services can be managed from Services in the backend. Where you can choose a title and a text.

Manage Progress Circles

The Progress Circles can be managed from ProgressCircles in the backend. Where you can add a title, text and a number between 0 and 1 which represents the percentage value of the circle.

Installing Node Packages (dev packages only)

If you're a developer and want to use Elixir and LiveReload you can install the package by NPM. Go to the themes folder themes/getright-construction in command line. And run npm install. If you have the (LiveReload extension for Chrome)[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei] you can run gulp watch and every .htm, .less file and js file you edit will provoke a Live Reload on your browser.

Seed with dummy data

If you want to have the dummy data up and running you can do so by change your APP_ENV to dummy and run php artisan october:up from command line. See https://octobercms.com/docs/setup/configuration#environment-config


Added some configs in theme.yaml

Jun 16, 2017


First version of getRight Construction Theme

Jun 16, 2017