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  • Added on Apr 11, 2016
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Extensions: 1
  • Created by



Just install Rahman.Faker plugin and you can generate fake data in your pages, layout or partials.

Basic Usage

Here's the simple way to generate fake data with this plugin:

For example in page:

title = "Demonstration"
url = "/"
layout = "default"
<div class="container">
    <div class="page-header">
        <h2>I'm {{ fake.title }} {{ fake.name }}</h2>
    <address>{{ fake.address }}</address>
    <p>I'm {{ fake.numberBetween(30, 50) }} years old. LOL</p>
        Here's my photo <img src="{{ fake.imageUrl(200, 200, 'cats' ) }}" alt=""/> <br>
        whops! Just kidding! :D
        This's the real one ;) <br> <br>
        <img src="{{ fake.imageUrl(200, 200, 'people') }}" alt=""/>
    <p>Let me tell you my story :D</p>
    <p>{{ fake.text(1500) }}</p>

The result



Each of the generator properties (like name, address, and lorem) are called "formatters". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.


randomDigit         // 7
randomDigitNotNull      // 5
randomNumber($nbDigits = NULL) // 79907610
randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = NULL, $min = 0, $max = NULL) // 48.8932
numberBetween($min = 1000, $max = 9000) // 8567
randomLetter            // 'b'
// returns randomly ordered subsequence of a provided array
randomElements($array = array ('a','b','c'), $count = 1) // array('c')
randomElement($array = array ('a','b','c')) // 'b'
shuffle('hello, world') // 'rlo,h eoldlw'
shuffle(array(1, 2, 3)) // array(2, 1, 3)
numerify('Hello ###') // 'Hello 609'
lexify('Hello ???') // 'Hello wgt'
bothify('Hello ##??') // 'Hello 42jz'
asciify('Hello ***') // 'Hello R6+'
regexify('[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}'); // sm0@y8k96a.ej


word                                             // 'aut'
words($nb = 3, $asText = false)                  // array('porro', 'sed', 'magni')
sentence($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)  // 'Sit vitae voluptas sint non voluptates.'
sentences($nb = 3, $asText = false)              // array('Optio quos qui illo error.', 'Laborum vero a officia id corporis.', 'Saepe provident esse hic eligendi.')
paragraph($nbSentences = 3, $variableNbSentences = true) // 'Ut ab voluptas sed a nam. Sint autem inventore aut officia aut aut blanditiis. Ducimus eos odit amet et est ut eum.'
paragraphs($nb = 3, $asText = false)             // array('Quidem ut sunt et quidem est accusamus aut. Fuga est placeat rerum ut. Enim ex eveniet facere sunt.', 'Aut nam et eum architecto fugit repellendus illo. Qui ex esse veritatis.', 'Possimus omnis aut incidunt sunt. Asperiores incidunt iure sequi cum culpa rem. Rerum exercitationem est rem.')
text($maxNbChars = 200)                          // 'Fuga totam reiciendis qui architecto fugiat nemo. Consequatur recusandae qui cupiditate eos quod.'


title($gender = null|'male'|'female')     // 'Ms.'
titleMale                                 // 'Mr.'
titleFemale                               // 'Ms.'
suffix                                    // 'Jr.'
name($gender = null|'male'|'female')      // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
firstName($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Maynard'
firstNameMale                             // 'Maynard'
firstNameFemale                           // 'Rachel'
lastName                                  // 'Zulauf'


cityPrefix                          // 'Lake'
secondaryAddress                    // 'Suite 961'
state                               // 'NewMexico'
stateAbbr                           // 'OH'
citySuffix                          // 'borough'
streetSuffix                        // 'Keys'
buildingNumber                      // '484'
city                                // 'West Judge'
streetName                          // 'Keegan Trail'
streetAddress                       // '439 Karley Loaf Suite 897'
postcode                            // '17916'
address                             // '8888 Cummings Vista Apt. 101, Susanbury, NY 95473'
country                             // 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'
latitude($min = -90, $max = 90)     // 77.147489
longitude($min = -180, $max = 180)  // 86.211205


phoneNumber             // '201-886-0269 x3767'
tollFreePhoneNumber     // '(888) 937-7238'
e164PhoneNumber     // '+27113456789'


catchPhrase             // 'Monitored regional contingency'
bs                      // 'e-enable robust architectures'
company                 // 'Bogan-Treutel'
companySuffix           // 'and Sons'
jobTitle                // 'Cashier'


realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2) // "And yet I wish you could manage it?) 'And what are they made of?' Alice asked in a shrill, passionate voice. 'Would YOU like cats if you were never even spoke to Time!' 'Perhaps not,' Alice replied."


unixTime($max = 'now')                // 58781813
dateTime($max = 'now')                // DateTime('2008-04-25 08:37:17')
dateTimeAD($max = 'now')              // DateTime('1800-04-29 20:38:49')
iso8601($max = 'now')                 // '1978-12-09T10:10:29+0000'
date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now') // '1979-06-09'
time($format = 'H:i:s', $max = 'now') // '20:49:42'
dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-30 years', $endDate = 'now') // DateTime('2003-03-15 02:00:49')
dateTimeInInterval($startDate = '-30 years', $interval = '+ 5 days') // DateTime('2003-03-15 02:00:49')
dateTimeThisCentury($max = 'now')     // DateTime('1915-05-30 19:28:21')
dateTimeThisDecade($max = 'now')      // DateTime('2007-05-29 22:30:48')
dateTimeThisYear($max = 'now')        // DateTime('2011-02-27 20:52:14')
dateTimeThisMonth($max = 'now')       // DateTime('2011-10-23 13:46:23')
amPm($max = 'now')                    // 'pm'
dayOfMonth($max = 'now')              // '04'
dayOfWeek($max = 'now')               // 'Friday'
month($max = 'now')                   // '06'
monthName($max = 'now')               // 'January'
year($max = 'now')                    // '1993'
century                               // 'VI'
timezone                              // 'Europe/Paris'


email                   // 'tkshlerin@collins.com'
safeEmail               // 'king.alford@example.org'
freeEmail               // 'bradley72@gmail.com'
companyEmail            // 'russel.durward@mcdermott.org'
freeEmailDomain         // 'yahoo.com'
safeEmailDomain         // 'example.org'
userName                // 'wade55'
password                // 'k&|X+a45*2['
domainName              // 'wolffdeckow.net'
domainWord              // 'feeney'
tld                     // 'biz'
url                     // 'http://www.skilesdonnelly.biz/aut-accusantium-ut-architecto-sit-et.html'
slug                    // 'aut-repellat-commodi-vel-itaque-nihil-id-saepe-nostrum'
ipv4                    // ''
localIpv4               // ''
ipv6                    // '8e65:933d:22ee:a232:f1c1:2741:1f10:117c'
macAddress              // '43:85:B7:08:10:CA'


userAgent              // 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows CE) AppleWebKit/5350 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.888.0 Safari/5350'
chrome                 // 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_5) AppleWebKit/5312 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.894.0 Safari/5312'
firefox                // 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linuxi686; rv:7.0) Gecko/20101231 Firefox/3.6'
safari                 // 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_7_1 rv:3.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.11.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.11.3'
opera                  // 'Opera/8.25 (Windows NT 5.1; en-US) Presto/2.9.188 Version/10.00'
internetExplorer       // 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Trident/3.0)'


creditCardType          // 'MasterCard'
creditCardNumber        // '4485480221084675'
creditCardExpirationDate // 04/13
creditCardExpirationDateString // '04/13'
creditCardDetails       // array('MasterCard', '4485480221084675', 'Aleksander Nowak', '04/13')
// Generates a random IBAN. Set $countryCode to null for a random country
iban($countryCode)      // 'IT31A8497112740YZ575DJ28BP4'
swiftBicNumber          // 'RZTIAT22263'


hexcolor               // '#fa3cc2'
rgbcolor               // '0,255,122'
rgbColorAsArray        // array(0,255,122)
rgbCssColor            // 'rgb(0,255,122)'
safeColorName          // 'fuchsia'
colorName              // 'Gainsbor'


fileExtension          // 'avi'
mimeType               // 'video/x-msvideo'
// Copy a random file from the source to the target directory and returns the fullpath or filename
file($sourceDir = '/tmp', $targetDir = '/tmp') // '/path/to/targetDir/13b73edae8443990be1aa8f1a483bc27.jpg'
file($sourceDir, $targetDir, false) // '13b73edae8443990be1aa8f1a483bc27.jpg'


// Image generation provided by LoremPixel (http://lorempixel.com/)
imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480) // 'http://lorempixel.com/640/480/'
imageUrl($width, $height, 'cats')     // 'http://lorempixel.com/800/600/cats/'
imageUrl($width, $height, 'cats', true, 'Faker') // 'http://lorempixel.com/800/400/cats/Faker'
image($dir = '/tmp', $width = 640, $height = 480) // '/tmp/13b73edae8443990be1aa8f1a483bc27.jpg'
image($dir, $width, $height, 'cats')  // 'tmp/13b73edae8443990be1aa8f1a483bc27.jpg' it's a cat!
image($dir, $width, $height, 'cats', true, 'Faker') // 'tmp/13b73edae8443990be1aa8f1a483bc27.jpg' it's a cat with Faker text


uuid                   // '7e57d004-2b97-0e7a-b45f-5387367791cd'


ean13          // '4006381333931'
ean8           // '73513537'
isbn13         // '9790404436093'
isbn10         // '4881416324'


boolean // false
boolean($chanceOfGettingTrue = 50) // true
md5           // 'de99a620c50f2990e87144735cd357e7'
sha1          // 'f08e7f04ca1a413807ebc47551a40a20a0b4de5c'
sha256        // '0061e4c60dac5c1d82db0135a42e00c89ae3a333e7c26485321f24348c7e98a5'
locale        // en_UK
countryCode   // UK
languageCode  // en
currencyCode  // EUR


// get a random number between 10 and 20,
// with more chances to be close to 20
biasedNumberBetween($min = 10, $max = 20, $function = 'sqrt')
  • Found the plugin useful on 7 Jan, 2023

    I am having trouble using this in my plugin routes. The following error outputs:

    Class "Faker\Factory" not found ~/plugins/bryan/questions/routes.php line 6

    Here is my code in routes.php:


    use Bryan\Questions\Models\MultipleChoice;

    Route::get('api/populate', function(){ $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); for($i=0; $i < 20; $i++) { MultipleChoice::create([ 'question' => $faker->sentence($nbWords = 10, $variableNbWords = true), 'answer' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'wrong1' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'wrong2' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'wrong3' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'wrong4' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'wrong5' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 10), 'createdAt' => $faker->date($format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $max = 'now') ]); }

    return 'Questions Created';


    Any ideas? The plugin is active. Using October 3.0.

  • Found the plugin useful on 28 Sep, 2018

    Thank you, very useful and easy to use plugin

  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Dec, 2016

    Worked first time and produced good fake data really easily.

    The instructions should explain that it is easy to add fake data to a seeder which, for plugin development, is what you will probably want to use.


First version of Faker

Apr 09, 2016