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I've created a polymorphic table -- Phones.
- A phone has a contactable_id and contactable_type.
- A phone can belong to a restaurant or a team_member.
- A restaurant has many phones. A team_member has many phones.
In Restaurant and Team_Member model:
public $morphMany = ['phones' => [ 'My\Site\Models\Phone', 'name' => 'contactable' ] ];
In Phone model:
public $morphTo = [ 'contactable' => [] ];
My question is how do I build a form for this in assignment in the Phone fields.yaml? Am I setting this up right?
Any help is super appreciated. Thanks
Last updated
Hi Spencer, hope your doing well,
I have the same doubt, i tried to use the following on my field.yaml
label: 'Reviewed'
type: relation
and on my Product and CustomProduct model have this
public $morphMany = [
'reviews' => ['Clubs\Eshop\Models\Review', 'name' => 'what']
and on the Review model have the following morphTo
public $morphTo = [
'what' => []
with this configuration i got the following issue when try to access to the create page from the cms:
class_uses(): object or string expected
/home/vagrant/projects/clubsgalore/modules/backend/FormWidgets/Relation.php line 126
and this is the line of Relation.php
// Determine if the model uses a tree trait
$treeTraits = ['October\Rain\Database\Traits\NestedTree', 'October\Rain\Database\Traits\SimpleTree'];
$usesTree = count(array_intersect($treeTraits, class_uses($relationModel))) > 0;
have any one a workaround for fix this issue?
i have google it and search at stackexchange but haven't found anything. :(
I know modifying the base code is a little scary, but the way I have been getting past obstacles in October is to simply dump some data from the base code. Just always remember to immediately ctrl + z afterwards.
Have you tried dumping $relationModel?
What does it output?
if it outputs null, perhaps you need to follow the code up the tree a bit. find the 'makeRelation($attribute)' function and see what's going on in there.
Hi guys, I have a similar problem. Any workaround for this? Did you get to create a polymorphic record finder field?
It is not implemented. You will need to edit the source code and/or implement things in a different way if you wish to access morphic relations in the backend.
* Returns a relation class object
* @param string $name Relation name
* @return string
public function makeRelation($name)
$relationType = $this->getRelationType($name);
$relation = $this->getRelationDefinition($name);
if ($relationType == 'morphTo' || !isset($relation[0])) {
return null;
$relationClass = $relation[0];
return new $relationClass();
hi guys, i got the similar requirement, Any workaround for this? I am trying to conditonanly load the config field of the morph relation and it is working well. Now I am having issue to save the morph relation model
This is fixed in v2.1.8 and up
edit: For an example, see the test plugin.
Navigate to Reviews → Plugins & Reviews → Themes. The Review is a polymorph
Last updated
daftspunk said:
This is fixed in v2.1.8 and up
Sorry, would you please share how to implement a poly field exactly?
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