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  • Added on Feb 26, 2015
  • Current version: 1.4.7
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Main features

  • Managing booking
  • Managing reservations
  • Managing customers
  • Managing menus
  • Managing foods
  • Managing drinks
  • Managing categories
  • Managing tables
  • Managing purchase

Extra features

  • Multilanguage support to foods and drinks.
  • Front-end booking table ajax form.
  • Downloadable HD quality images and pdf files.
  • Added 43 pieces food and drink categories.
  • Available the wide range of backend widgets.


During the reservation you can add the name, telephone number, e-mail address, date, table, number of person and a comment. Bookings are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details and immediateley filtereable for more parameters. It also has quick search.


During the reservation you can add the table, status, payment, customer, foods and drinks. Reservations are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details and immediateley filtereable for more parameters. It also has quick search.


During the reservation you can add the name, gender, e-mail, telephone, code, date, image, purchase, discount and a comment. Bookings are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details and immediateley filtereable for more parameters. It also has quick search.


During the adding you can add the week, the price and the saled amount. Every day of the week you can add daily menu, which consist of soup, main course and dessert. Menus are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details. It also has quick search.


During the booking you can add its name, cathegory, the original and saled price, the amount, its calory, the components, and can you order half portion and does the food contain lactose, gluten or pork meat. The ordered drinks are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details and immediateley filtereable for more parameters. It also has quick search.


During the adding you can add its name, its category, original and lower price, its amount, its components, and does it contain alcohol, lactose and gluten. Drinks are editable and removable. The list is arrangeable according to any details and filterable for more parameters. It also has quick search.


Categories can be edit and remove. The most frequently used (18 pieces) food and (25 pieces) drink categories already had been added.


During the booking you can add the name, the capacity and a comment. Reserved tables can be editable and removeable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details. It also has quick search.


You can add the name, the price and the amount of it. They are editable and deletable. The list is arrangeable according to any type of details. It also has quick search.


Our goal is to contribute a successful work and the effective online presence. We provide downloadable materials.

Backend widgets

  • Booking
  • Reservations
  • Customers
  • Menu
  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Categories
  • Tables
  • Purchase

Available languages

  • en - English
  • fr - Français
  • sv - Svenska
  • hu - Magyar

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Show food list on front-end

HTML code

<div id="food-list">
    {% for food in foods %}
    <div class="food-details">
        <img src="{{ food.image|media }}" alt="{{ food.name }}">
        <h3 class="food-name">{{ food.name }}</h3>
        <div class="food-price-org">{{ food.price_org }}</div>
        <div class="food-price-sale">{{ food.price_sale }}</div>
        <div class="food-quantity">{{ food.quantity }}</div>
        <div class="food-calorie">{{ food.calorie }} kcal</div>
        <div class="food-components">{{ food.components }}</div>
        <div class="food-common">{{ food.common }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

PHP code

function onStart()
    $this['foods'] = \Indikator\Hospitality\Models\Foods::orderBy('name')->get()->all();

Show drink list on front-end

HTML code

<div id="drink-list">
    {% for drink in drinks %}
    <div class="drink-details">
        <img src="{{ drink.image|media }}" alt="{{ drink.name }}">
        <h3 class="drink-name">{{ drink.name }}</h3>
        <div class="drink-price-org">{{ drink.price_org }}</div>
        <div class="drink-price-sale">{{ drink.price_sale }}</div>
        <div class="drink-quantity">{{ drink.quantity }}</div>
        <div class="drink-components">{{ drink.components }}</div>
        <div class="drink-common">{{ drink.common }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

PHP code

function onStart()
    $this['drinks'] = \Indikator\Hospitality\Models\Drinks::orderBy('name')->get()->all();

Add foods in a list to the front-end

HTML code

<h2>Add food</h2>
<form data-request="onAddFood" data-request-success="alert('Thank you very much!')">
        <label for="foodName">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" name="name" id="foodName">
        <label for="foodCalorie">Calorie:</label>
        <input type="text" name="calorie" id="foodCalorie">
        <label for="foodLactose">Contain lactose:</label>
        <select name="is_lactose" id="foodLactose">
            <option value="0">No</option>
            <option value="1">Yes</option>
        <label for="foodGluten">Contain gluten:</label>
        <select name="is_gluten" id="foodGluten">
            <option value="0">No</option>
            <option value="1">Yes</option>
        <label for="foodPork">Contain pork:</label>
        <select name="is_pork" id="foodPork">
            <option value="0">No</option>
            <option value="1">Yes</option>
        <label for="foodComponents">Components:</label>
        <textarea name="components" id="foodComponents"></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="Add food">

PHP code

function onAddFood()
        'name'         => post('name'),
        'category_id'  => 0,
        'price_org'    => 0,
        'price_sale'   => 0,
        'quantity'     => 0,
        'calorie'      => post('calorie'),
        'is_half'      => 0,
        'is_lactose'   => post('is_lactose'),
        'is_gluten'    => post('is_gluten'),
        'is_pork'      => post('is_pork'),
        'components'   => post('components'),
        'status'       => 1,
        'created_at'   => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
        'updated_at'   => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
        'image'        => '',
        'common'       => '',
        'foods_offer'  => '',
        'drinks_offer' => ''

Add front-end booking form

  1. Go to the CMS > Pages page in the Backend.
  2. Added the Booking component in Components panel.

Add back-end widgets

  1. Go to the Dashboard page in the Backend.
  2. Click on the Manage widgets > Add widget button.
  3. Select the any Hospitality widgets from the list.
  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Sep, 2018

    Hi, is it possible to get Category and Location added to the Plugin. If not, how easily can I extend it?

  • author

    Replied on 10 Oct, 2018

    Hi, you can easy to extend it. The plugin contains category feature. By manually you can add new language to the /plugins/indikator/hospitality/lang/ folder.


The Extra menu works again.

Feb 14, 2020


Added permission to Dashboard widgets.

May 10, 2019


Updated the main navigation icon.

Oct 16, 2018


!!! Updated for October 420+.

Jul 10, 2018


Added new icon for main navigation.

May 02, 2017


Added French translation.

Mar 16, 2017


Minor UI improvements.

Oct 24, 2016


Added Swedish translation.

Sep 08, 2016


Minor improvements and bugfix.

Jul 26, 2016


Minor UI improvements.

Jul 04, 2016


Added the daterange filters for lists.

Jul 02, 2016


Minor improvements.

Mar 26, 2016


Improved the Booking component.

Mar 18, 2016


Added offer fields to food and drink.

Mar 16, 2016


Minor improvements.

Feb 01, 2016


Fixed the issues on Category page.

Nov 24, 2015


Improvements and bug fixes.

Nov 10, 2015


Added extra fields to more menus.

Sep 28, 2015


Improved the filter of lists.

Sep 01, 2015


Improved the widget exception handling.

Aug 28, 2015


Added the plugin icon.

Aug 24, 2015


Select images via Media finder.

Jul 14, 2015


Minor improvements.

Jun 12, 2015


Improved the permissions.

Jun 08, 2015


Added graph by widgets.

May 28, 2015


Added Customers feature.

May 26, 2015


Added Reservation feature.

May 24, 2015


Minor code changes.

May 20, 2015


Send e-mail by fontend booking form.

May 20, 2015


Glucose rename to gluten.

May 18, 2015


Minor bugfixes and improvements.

May 16, 2015


Removed unnecessary confirm popups.

May 15, 2015


Minor improvements.

May 05, 2015


Minor bugfixes and improvements.

Apr 19, 2015


Added frontend booking component.

Feb 26, 2015


Minor improvements.

Feb 26, 2015


First version of Hospitality.

Feb 24, 2015

1.2.3 > 1.2.4 - You can add all images (food, drink, customer and table) again.