Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success

Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

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Created a Static Page. However, there was a syntax error in that Page. So, the CMS is throwing the below exception: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting TC_DOLLAR_CURLY or TC_QUOTED_STRING or '"' in Unknown on line 7 /var/www/html/themes/ketikidis-octobercms-success/content/static-pages/home1.htm line 7 Trying to locate this file. However, unable to find it. Can you please help?

Last updated


prasad.kolachana62533 said:


Created a Static Page. However, there was a syntax error in that Page. So, the CMS is throwing the below exception: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting TC_DOLLAR_CURLY or TC_QUOTED_STRING or '"' in Unknown on line 7 /var/www/html/themes/ketikidis-octobercms-success/content/static-pages/home1.htm line 7 Trying to locate this file. However, unable to find it. Can you please help?

Do you have a live site to take a look?
Also give me the name and date of your theme purchase please.

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