Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success

Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

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Under Pages (at the top), under Menus, Clicking on a menu item brings up the dialog box for setting the Title / Type / URL, etc. - under the "Attributes" tab, - lower right field is "CSS Class" with the note "Enter a CSS class name to give this menu item a custom appearance." This does not appear to be functional. I have a class name set/saved, the menu item is showing, the custom class is not appearing in the HTML. Please advise.

Last updated


webmaster57778 said:

Under Pages (at the top), under Menus, Clicking on a menu item brings up the dialog box for setting the Title / Type / URL, etc. - under the "Attributes" tab, - lower right field is "CSS Class" with the note "Enter a CSS class name to give this menu item a custom appearance." This does not appear to be functional. I have a class name set/saved, the menu item is showing, the custom class is not appearing in the HTML. Please advise.

Thank you for this!
This is fixed on latest theme version. Please update to version 2.2.3.


would it be possible to get a list of the files that were modifed?


got it: /partials/site/nav.htm for those interested

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