Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success

Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

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Having a number field for the phone number is completely unnecessary and prevents proper number formatting. It only displays if whole numbers are used, no dashes, periods, parenthesis. This should just be a text field.

Also the Google maps does not work. Geocode "Request Denied". Valid Maps API Key was provided.

Last updated


draason said:

Having a number field for the phone number is completely unnecessary and prevents proper number formatting. It only displays if whole numbers are used, no dashes, periods, parenthesis. This should just be a text field.

Also the Google maps does not work. Geocode "Request Denied". Valid Maps API Key was provided.

You have right about number fields. I change them to text fields on both contact blocks, check the update. As for the Geocode error message... i just test it on clean install with new google map code and it works without any problems.

Last updated

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