Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success

Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

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Hello, I have a fresh install of October. Please guide me How to install Success theme with demo content? Thank you very much


khangvm53028255 said:

Hello, I have a fresh install of October. Please guide me How to install Success theme with demo content? Thank you very much

Hi khangvm!

When you purchase themes from the Marketplace they are attached to a project. That project ID is used on your production installation. From there, anything you've purchased should be installed/updated when you update OctoberCMS normally.

You have to create a project to your Octobercms account , then attach Theme to that project. Then on your Octobercms backend go to Settings -> Updates & Plugins -> click "Attach Project" -> enter Project ID -> click "Attach to project"

To activate Success Theme go to Settings -> Frontend Theme -> and Activate Success Theme

Last updated


Thank you very much I got the install with demo content


khangvm53028255 said:

Thank you very much I got the install with demo content

Hello again! And i'm very sorry for the delay! I'm glad you solve your problem! You can write an quick review and rating if the theme satisfies you! This helps other people and also helps me so that I can do my best to improve this theme and add more features and addons in future! Thank you!


Hello, Please help! Activating theme is not working!!!!! I am trying to activate the theme on a new october installation and I keep getting the following message:

ERROR We're sorry, but an unhandled error occurred. Please see the details below.

Class name is not registered for the component "session". Check the component plugin. /home/jmkqcz86k7mq/public_html/savvycoif/modules/cms/classes/ComponentManager.php line 200

TYPE Undefined

EXCEPTION October\Rain\Exception\SystemException

 * @return ComponentBase The component object.
public function makeComponent($name, $cmsObject = null, $properties = [])
    $className = $this->resolve($name);
    if (!$className) {
        throw new SystemException(sprintf(
            'Class name is not registered for the component "%s". Check the component plugin.',

    if (!class_exists($className)) {

jsbachflute30031 said:

Hello, Please help! Activating theme is not working!!!!! I am trying to activate the theme on a new october installation and I keep getting the following message:

ERROR We're sorry, but an unhandled error occurred. Please see the details below.

Class name is not registered for the component "session". Check the component plugin. /home/jmkqcz86k7mq/public_html/savvycoif/modules/cms/classes/ComponentManager.php line 200

TYPE Undefined

EXCEPTION October\Rain\Exception\SystemException

* @return ComponentBase The component object.

public function makeComponent($name, $cmsObject = null, $properties = []) { $className = $this->resolve($name); if (!$className) { throw new SystemException(sprintf( 'Class name is not registered for the component "%s". Check the component plugin.', $name )); }

   if (!class_exists($className)) {

Hello! Please, make sure these plugins are installed:

  • RainLab.User
  • RainLab.Blog

If there are not ,install them manually. If those plugins are installed, please reinstall them.

Last updated


jsbachflute30031 said:

Hello, Please help! Activating theme is not working!!!!! I am trying to activate the theme on a new october installation and I keep getting the following message:

ERROR We're sorry, but an unhandled error occurred. Please see the details below.

Class name is not registered for the component "session". Check the component plugin. /home/jmkqcz86k7mq/public_html/savvycoif/modules/cms/classes/ComponentManager.php line 200

TYPE Undefined

Tell me please how do you install success theme?

Last updated

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