Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success

Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

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Hi there! Thanks for a lovely theme. Just wondering about the possibility of having the option to add a website link to each "client image" within the Client block. Ideally the option to specify if opening in a new tab (_blank) or not. Thanks for your consideration. Kind regards Jen


jen17304 said:

Hi there! Thanks for a lovely theme. Just wondering about the possibility of having the option to add a website link to each "client image" within the Client block. Ideally the option to specify if opening in a new tab (_blank) or not. Thanks for your consideration. Kind regards Jen

Hello Jen!
I have updated theme to v.2.0.8 with client url field in Client block. Please update your theme to latest version for the new feature.
Let me know if that helped you

Last updated


Wonderful thanks so much!!!


jen17304 said:

Wonderful thanks so much!!!

I'm glad i help you.
If you have time , you can write an quick review and rating if the theme satisfies you! This helps other people and also helps me so that I can do my best to improve this theme!

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