JSON Web Token Authentication for your OctoberCMS API integrated with RainLab.User

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With this plug-in it says that I can use JWT however I am very new to octobercms. Would like to ask if I can override the 4 routes they have given since some of these routes are taken /api/login, /api/refresh, /api/signup, /api/invalidate ?

Another question when logging in, I have to use the credentials from the backend right to login the user from the api?

Last updated


Hello! 1) You can't override plugin's routes. If you describe why you need it I could think how to solve it. 2) User from RainLab.User not from backend used in this plugin.


@vdomah>vdomah said:

Hello! 1) You can't override plugin's routes. If you describe why you need it I could think how to solve it. 2) User from RainLab.User not from backend used in this plugin.

Hello the reason why I need to override the route because the route that the plugin defined has already been used by another functionality, so its already reserved.

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