oliver63178 Approved

Member since: 2021-01-22

Recent posts by oliver63178
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As of now I have used -->middleware('\Tymon\JWTAuth\Middleware\GetUserFromToken') for checking the t...

Posted in How do I override error messages?

Hello, I have encountered issue similar to this would like to ask if where should I make an edit in ...

Posted in error: token not provided

Apologies for asking a very newbie question. I would to know how do I validate if the user is logged...

Posted in How do I check if user is logged-in?

@vdomah>vdomah said:

Hello! 1) You can't override plugin's routes. If you describe why you need it ...

Posted in JWT Auth API How to override the 'routes'

With this plug-in it says that I can use JWT however I am very new to octobercms. Would like to ask ...

Posted in JWT Auth API How to override the 'routes'


I have this javascript that keeps on getting calle...

Posted in How to get value on model via Javascript?

I have this code under listExtendRecords() however with this code I am unable to use the search func...

Posted in When Adding Custom code to listExtendRecords search toolbar will stop working.

Does multiple column work with defaultSort now?

Posted in Multiple column sort in backend list

daftspunk said:

You may need to use the fully qualified class name for Order, such as

       $qb = ...

Posted in How do I get value from controller htm to switch?

This is what I have written and I get "Class not found"

        $qb = Order::get('quickbo...

Posted in How do I get value from controller htm to switch?