How to display category and subcategory of product when we display list of products?
I need it to create a link to product detail. I have to set mydomain/:category/:subcategory/:slug on the right way. For now, I only can set the slug.
Did you look at the default product_list component view ?
You should try {{ SELF.productPage|app }}/{{ product.slug }} to get the product full slug, with category. Due to Markdown, replace "SELF" by " SELF " without spaces.
Actually I'm not sure it will display subcategories as well. I'll check that, and plan to make a more convenient way of getting products full slug.
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I found the answer. Here's my code:
use Tiipiik\Catalog\Models\Product;
function onStart() {
$this['products'] = Product::with('categories')->whereHas('categories', function($q) {
Last updated
To achieve that you can use the filter functionnality of the product_list component. You put the category slug in the filter field and the product list would be filtered only for that category. This is usefull for making product list outside of the dynamic catalog.
Or you can have dynamic product list for each category displayed. Take a look at the default product_list.htm inside the component product_list, you will have an example.
And, I know, I have to make better documentation.
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