Flexi Contact

A Flexible and Configurable Contact Form to Add to any Page

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Hello Guys,

I don't know why but import component and add {% component "contactForm" %} to the page doesn't work with minify theme and a personal theme but work with flat-theme, he send url like contact?name=&email=&subject=&body=.

If someone have explanations.

Best regards :)


If someone need solve this, i've just import (at the end of layout) query.js from the DemoTheme. The version of Jquery in my template are maybe not supported :)


The issue was that the framework extras were not included in the minify theme. The plugin needs those to work. I will see if theres a way to conditionally include it, if it hasn't been included.

Add this to your layout file

{% framework extras %}

right before the

{% scripts %}




Yes, this is because i've just added jquery.js, because add {% framework extras %} make nothing, you can just add to installation guide that if we used a non conventional theme, we must to add this (jQuery importation) to our template.

Best Regards


This was the reason I was having my problem. I had no idea I needed those in my custom theme to make your plugin work - please list your dependencies in the documentation. Thank you!

Last updated


Hey Fred! Fancy meeting you here! lol. Buddy can you shed any light on this, I've been fighting it for about a day now WTH! All I get is a GET request, URL with querystring in address bar, page reloads nothing happens, no ajax goodness at all I have added the form using custom method rather than component (did try the component at start and had lots of issues with mail sending owing to SMTP config on server, may just resort to mailsend!!) I have included framework extras in footer. My custom theme also uses jquery-1.7.1 added in head (could there be conflicts?) Any help welcome ;)


Dave! Yes, isn't it?? So, you could quickly change to the latest jQ version (mine works with 1.11.x just fine) but perhaps you've forgotten one of the tags in your layout. Be sure that you have something like this arranged just below your javascript library calls:

{% framework %}
{% framework extras %}

My guess is you forgot one of those two October tags in there. However, if it still doesn't work with 1.7.1 (which is getting kinda crusty), try jQuery 1.11.x since I have found it to work.

Cheers, reach out on skype and say hello bud! :)

Last updated


Hey Fred

Somehow this comment slipped past me. I thought I would have been notified of any follow up comments, but wasn't I got it all working at last, and you know, I can't even remember what I did...oh yes I know what it was. the combiner was foobaring my already minified javascript files. When i just added them without running through the combiner all was well or perhaps that was my fix for something else, yes come to think of it that was a different problem

Anyhoo I'm now having issues with mailchimp plugin , error : AJAX handler 'mailSignup::onSignup' was not found !

if its not one thing! lol

I'll jump on skype soon we have lots to catch up on ;)



Hi Fred, thanks for the tip. Docs now updated to list dependencies.


Hi all,

In theme layout page {% framework extras %}, {% scripts %} both are there. The theme contact form is not working and no validation alerts are there. So i used Flexi Contact plugin, but it also not working and as same as theme contact form... this is basic for any theme. Pls Reply any body

Last updated


Which theme are you using?


I'm using the Elevator theme https://octobercms.com/theme/jtherczeg-elevator

Can I go through steps I did,

So first I went to theme-folder/layouts/default.htm

I found {% scripts %} , I added {% framework %} since {% framework extras %} was already there.

I went to the partial I wanted the contact form.

In a

    tags I pasted {% component "contactForm" %}

    Nothing happened.

    I inserted >>>

    <!--This will contain the confirmation when the email is successfully sent-->

<form class="flexiContactForm" role="form" data-request="{{ SELF }}::onMailSent" data-request-update="'{{ SELF }}::confirm': '.confirm-container'">

<div class="form-groups">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" value=""  name="name" placeholder="Enter name">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" name="email" placeholder="Enter Email">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" name="subject" placeholder="Enter Subject">
    <div class="form-group">
        <textarea class="form-control" value="" name="body" placeholder="Enter Message" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg pull-right">Send</button>

The form appeared, I went into flexicode config in admin, put my details in, I refresh page, click on contact, put in message and details, click on send, nothing.

Please help, this issue has drained me completely.


Hi djarn7700 . Did you get this issue solved? I am having the exact same problem



I fixed this issue in my site some minutes ago (now I'm having another issue and that is how I arrived here). I'm using custom html because default markup and style screwed my theme (and is based in bootstrap, lol).

I did the following:

  • Check {% scripts %}, {% framework %} and {% framework extras %} are included in your layout
  • Add the component to the page and verify you have this config

    injectBootstrapAssets = 0
    injectMainScript = 1
  • Do NOT use {% component contactForm %} if you use custom markup
  • In your custom markup, replace {{__SELF__}} by contactForm, eg: contactForm::confirm

Last updated


Hey Dave - were you able to fix the 'AJAX handler 'mailSignup::onSignup' was not found'- issue? I'm having the same problem :( Thanks!

daveharrison5796 said:

Hey Fred

Somehow this comment slipped past me. I thought I would have been notified of any follow up comments, but wasn't I got it all working at last, and you know, I can't even remember what I did...oh yes I know what it was. the combiner was foobaring my already minified javascript files. When i just added them without running through the combiner all was well or perhaps that was my fix for something else, yes come to think of it that was a different problem

Anyhoo I'm now having issues with mailchimp plugin , error : AJAX handler 'mailSignup::onSignup' was not found !

if its not one thing! lol

I'll jump on skype soon we have lots to catch up on ;)



matias.fazzolari11193 said:


I fixed this issue in my site some minutes ago (now I'm having another issue and that is how I arrived here). I'm using custom html because default markup and style screwed my theme (and is based in bootstrap, lol).

I did the following:

  • Check {% scripts %}, {% framework %} and {% framework extras %} are included in your layout
  • Add the component to the page and verify you have this config

    injectBootstrapAssets = 0
    injectMainScript = 1
  • Do NOT use {% component contactForm %} if you use custom markup
  • In your custom markup, replace {{__SELF__}} by contactForm, eg: contactForm::confirm

Thank you, this solved my issue as well.


I know this is an old issue, but have only recently started experiencing the same issue with a bootstrap theme, I have included the necessary tags needed even used the custo version and not the component, unticked inject bootstrapitems and scripts because they installed as part of the theme.

it is driving me mad at the moment, anybody having issues similar still

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