
Restrict RainLab Blog Post viewers by category permission

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It is not working. Every user can access protected content. I don't know, maybe I'm setting it wrong but I just follow documentation. I'm looking for this exact function for my website.

Kurt Jensen
Kurt Jensen

I have uploaded the theme pages I use for this to GitHub.

I use this for what I call "News" on my site so the pages all reside in a "news" folder in my theme pages directory.

I also have one page in Theme->Pages named news.htm

title = "News"
url = "/news/:page?"
layout = "default"
description = "What's happening at IAFF106"
hidden = "0"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
displayEmpty = "0"
categoryPage = "news/category"

pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
postsPerPage = "10"
noPostsMessage = "No posts found"
sortOrder = "published_at desc"
categoryPage = "news/category"
postPage = "news/story"
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-8">
        {% component 'PblogPosts' %}
    <div class="col-sm-4">
        {% component 'PblogCategories' %}

I would love to help you get this working. The other Plugin that I use for editing is BlogFrontEditor. This allows me to give regular users ability to create and edit posts / News stories.

Last updated


I have the same problem. I don't understand your answer. Do I have to install some special custom theme for this to work? I am trying it with basic Vanilla theme and even when I have created specific passage key and associated it with category, even logged out users can see posts from this category.


No special theme is needed. Pages from your website are stored in the pages folder in your theme as you create them in the CMS section of October backend. (See: )

The example I posted previously was the content of my page file for my "News" page. This file contains all the settings for that page and the components they contain. If you use this as a template for setting up your page then it should work as it does for me.

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