Hi All,
Am looking at purchasing this plugin as i want to have a members area restricted by what plan they are on. So i can offer my fitness videos, dietary info etc.
Once they signup can i create restricted areas by plan.
any advice would be much appreciated before i purchase this plugin.
I'd also like to know. Is this project dead? I'm after a way to take member subscriptions and control access to certain areas of my site based on the membership level.
Did you ever find a solution, @phplee?
hi pal,
i ended up righting my own plugin. took a lot of work and rely s on user, role, form builder plugins. had to modify the user pug a little for my client.
its not quite finished however. if you want a copy to get you started let me know
hey, @phplee I´m interested in your plugin. This project seem like already dead. Is there a way I can contribute to it?
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