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Let's say you want to filter the list by a routing parameter, for example:
- http://localhost/acme/blog/posts/index/55 will display a list of logs for user_id 55
- http://localhost/acme/blog/posts/index/1 will display a list of logs for user_id 55
This can be acheived by adding this to your Index.php controller:
protected $userId;
public function index($userId = null)
// Store the routed parameter to use later
$this->userId = $userId;
// Call the ListController behavior standard functionality
public function listExtendQuery($query)
// Extend the list query to filter by the user id
if ($this->userId)
$query->where('user_id', $this->userId);
Last updated
Thanks for this.
I have a checkbox with a delete option on my list. When i delete the $this->listRefresh(); is called and the filter no longer works even though the routes still there.
How can make the filter stay applied after deleting.
I'm new at OctoberCms, the desire to learn it is huge, I want to know what to do next so I have the list filtered by the id passed by parameter, how do I get it again, and on the index.htm page between php tags use that id to a new query to the BD, my English is not very good
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