Would you mind tell me how I can get user id and their roles within component/class/controllers?
You could use this https://octobercms.com/plugin/shahiemseymor-roles
and then something like this i think
- Install the front-end user managment plugin.
- Make a new role
- Give the user a role
- Use this code {% if hasRole('ROLE NAME HERE') %} Admin Power! {% endif %}
from here https://octobercms.com/plugin/shahiemseymor-roles/roles-not-working
Last updated
Thanks for your answer,
but I know how using hasRole
and can
I want to know is it possible to do something like this in our class? and how it's possible.
ah, I found answer in your link.
use ShahiemSeymore\Roles\Models\UserGroup;
if (UserGroup::hasRole('my_cool_role')) {
echo "I'm in!";
echo "I suck!";
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