Social Login

Log in with your social media accounts!

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I have implemented the plugin as per the instructions and set up the links on the page. Everything seems to appear fine, it goes through the login screen per their choice. However, when you're returned to the site the user is not logged in, and there is no new account created.

Any guidance or insight into this issue anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.


I've just tested all 3 social logins and both are working as expected on October build 173 with Social Login v1.0.7. I tested both having the login create my account as well as associate with an existing account and all worked as expected.

Have you checked your Event Logs in the Settings area of admin? Also /app/storage/logs/system.log file.

Also please let me know which social account you're trying to log in with.

Last updated


Thanks for the reply. I was trying to log in with Google Plus, but I got that working. Now I'm having some issues with Twitter and Facebook. Twitter throws an error with OAuth and Facebook displays a message that says the app isn't configured properly. I'm thinking that they're similar issues. I'm going to try starting the whole process over for both of them and see if that works.

Since I don't think that will fix it, any advise is welcome.

Again, thanks for the reply.

Last updated


All I can advise you do is to delete your FB/Twitter apps and recreate them following the steps in my installation instructions exactly. If you're getting an oauth error it would be because of incorrect settings on the Twitter/FB side.


Alright. Thanks for the help.


Posting for people who may have this issue in the future:

So after some investigation I found a solution for the Facebook issue. It looks like Facebook has basically turned into Apple and requires that you submit your app for review before you're able to actually use it at all. Which means no login until it passes...

I'm still working on a Twitter solution.


Stepped away from this for awhile to work on other things. Upon revisiting it I discovered the issue. Posting for future reference for anyone with the same problem.

The error I was getting when trying to log in with Twitter was that it could not re declare the class OAuthException. The quickest fix was this in OAuth.php on line 11

  class OAuthException extends Exception 
    // pass

Just a simple check to see if something else has already declared this class. It isn't ideal since I made a change directly to a file in the plugin. But it was the fastest way to get it working.

Last updated


I had the same problem with Google login and got the following error in the system's event log:

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see in \plugins\flynsarmy\sociallogin\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\CurlFactory.php on line 187

I could fix it by following the instructions here:

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