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Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system


Success Multipurpose Client Friendly Theme with easy Page Builder


Success is a multi-purpose, responsive, Bootstrap 4 powered theme with page builder function inside. With the help of rainlab pages plugin and snippets you can build your own unique style. There are 24 premade partials that can help you build your own style using section blocks.

Create Pages with "Page Builder"

Screenshot Screenshot

30% of your purchase goes to help fund the October Project!


  • Responsive design
  • High overall quality
  • Lightweight and very fast
  • Scroll animations
  • Bootstrap 4 carousel sliders
  • Bootstrap 4 tabs
  • Custom rich metadata
  • Subscription feature using Railab Mailchimp plugin
  • Account feature using Railab User plugin
  • Blog feature using Railab Blog plugin
  • Blog post auto creates carousel for uploaded featured images
  • 24 premade section blocks to choose
  • Blog with tags, search and popular posts
  • 2 Contact Us pages with build in client friendly google map that can show your spot only by entering your address!
  • Page builder native system using Rainlab Pages plugin and snippets for easily creating sliders, carousels, tabs, pricing tables, galleries, progress bars, services, contact us and more!

Theme settings

  • Site info and locale
  • Google fonts and FontAwesome icon Fonts
  • Brand selector, text or logo. Upload your logo and favicon
  • Enable Disqus Comments and Social Links
  • 8 pre-built color schemes that can be switched, and a custom color style option
  • Animate CSS, AOS JS, Normalize CS, Smooth Scroll, Sticky Menu, Scroll To Top, Parallax Effect Addon switchers
  • Top section with Login/Register menu and Call Us number
  • Add your own Social media with your own icons
  • Add your own Footer Gallery
  • Custom CSS and Custom JS

Section Blocks that can be used in Pages plugin

  • About section block
  • Carousel section block. You can choose as many slides you need uploading your photos.
  • NEW Owl Carousel section block. You can choose as many slides you need uploading your photos or videos.
  • Services section block. You can create as many services you need with your fontawesome icon of your choice
  • Portfolio section block. Create your gallery's uploading your images and choose if you want 2,3 or 4 column gallery.
  • Skills section block.
  • Tabs section block.
  • Pricing section block.
  • Facts section block.
  • Testimonials section block.
  • Clients section block.
  • Banner section block.
  • Team section block.
  • Blog section block.
  • Contact Us section block.
  • Contact Us 2 section block.
  • Services 2 section block.
  • Services 3 section block.
  • Tabs+Skills section block.
  • Pricing 2 section block.
  • Single Portfolio section block.
  • Breadcrumbs section block.
  • Page Header section block.
  • NEW "Custom Html" section block. (You can create your own custom block everywhere in your page!).
  • NEW "Editor" section block. (You can create unlimited columns with Richeditor inside section!).

Included Sample Pages

  • NEW Home x 2 pages
  • About Us x 2 pages
  • Services x 2 pages
  • Pricing table x 2 pages
  • Team page
  • Portfolio with 2, 3, 4 columns and with single page
  • Contact Us x 2 pages with Google Maps geolocation
  • Blog page
  • Blog item page
  • Seacrh page
  • Tags page
  • Account page
  • Custom 404 and error pages


  • Build in page builder system that uses octobercms snippets and Rainlab pages plugin to create easily client friendly multi purpose sites.
  • Blog featured images enhancement. If you upload more than one image to a blog post, a image carousel automatically created on blog list for this blog post.
  • Reorganized folder structure for OctoberCMS
  • Additional metadata included
  • Copyright year displayed with variable

For problems or errors that may occur, please make a reference to: (https://octobercms.com/theme/support/ketikidis-octobercms-success)

If you like the Theme, please, get me a good review!



Agora Modular E-Commerce Theme for Shopaholic with powerful Eshop & Blog Capabilities and a Page Builder build in.


Agora is a E-commerce, responsive, Bootstrap 4 powered theme with page builder function inside and Shopaholic eshop plugin. With the help of rainlab pages plugin and snippets you can build your own unique style pages. There are 20 premade snippets that can help you build your own style using section blocks. You can create unlimmited categories, subcategories, products and brands and build your own unique and flexible eshop fast and easy!

Create Pages with "Page Builder"


30% of your purchase goes to help fund the October Project!


  • Responsive design
  • High overall quality
  • Lightweight and very fast
  • Scroll animations
  • Bootstrap 4 carousel sliders
  • Bootstrap 4 tabs
  • Custom rich metadata
  • Subscription feature using Railab Mailchimp plugin
  • Account feature using Railab User plugin
  • Blog feature using Railab Blog plugin
  • Blog post auto creates carousel for uploaded featured images
  • 20 premade section blocks to choose
  • Blog with tags, search and popular posts
  • Contact Us page
  • Google map that can show your spot only by entering your address!
  • Page builder native system using Rainlab Pages plugin and snippets for easily creating sliders, carousels, tabs, pricing tables, galleries, progress bars, services, contact us and more!
  • E-commerce plugin Shopaholic from Lovata let you showcase products in your online store. It’s a catalogue with built-in functionality and tools to provide customers with basic online shopping experience that can be extended through extra plugins. The additional plugins can be used to build a full-fledged marketplace, while the basic Shopaholic solution is not overcrowded with unnecessary components.

Theme settings

  • Site info and locale
  • Google fonts , FontAwesome icon Fonts and Simple Line Icon Fonts
  • Brand selector, text or logo. Upload your logo and favicon
  • Enable Disqus Comments and Social Links
  • 6 pre-built color schemes that can be switched, and a custom color style option that give you unlimited color possibilities
  • Animate CSS, AOS JS, Normalize CSS, Smooth Scroll, Sticky Menu, Transparent Header, Scroll To Top, Page Loader, Parallax Effect Addons
  • Top section with Login/Register menu and Call Us number
  • Add your own Social media with your own icons
  • Add your own Gallery
  • Custom CSS , Custom JS and Google Analytics

Section Blocks that can be used in Pages plugin

  • About section block
  • Carousel section block. You can choose as many slides you need uploading your photos or videos
  • Products Full Carousel section block.
  • Products Single Carousel section block.
  • Services section block. You can create as many services you need
  • Testimonials section block.
  • Clients section block.
  • Banner section block.
  • Small banner section block.
  • Team section block.
  • Support section block.
  • Blog section block.
  • Contact Us section block.
  • Contact Info section block.
  • Map section block.
  • Page Header section block.
  • Product Categories section block.
  • Latest Products section block.
  • Random Products section block.

Included Sample Pages

  • Home page with Image Header
  • Home page with Image Header Transparent
  • Home page with Images Carousel
  • Home page with Video Carousel
  • Home page with Products Carousel Full
  • Home page with Products Carousel Single
  • About Us page
  • Services page
  • Team page
  • Contact Us page with Google Maps geolocation
  • Eshop Catalog page
  • Eshop Category page
  • Eshop Parent Category page
  • Eshop Brand List page
  • Eshop Brand page page
  • Eshop Product page
  • Eshop Cart page
  • Eshop Success page
  • Blog page
  • Blog item page
  • Seacrh page
  • Tags page
  • Account page
  • Custom 404 and Error pages


  • Build in page builder system that uses octobercms snippets and Rainlab pages plugin to create easily client friendly multi purpose sites.
  • Blog featured images enhancement. If you upload more than one image to a blog post, a image carousel automatically created on blog list for this blog post.
  • Reorganized folder structure for OctoberCMS
  • Additional metadata included
  • Copyright year displayed with variable
  • Full Powered E-commerce system with the power of LOVATA Shopaholic plugin

Youtube Tutorials

For problems or errors that may occur, please make a reference to: (https://octobercms.com/theme/support/ketikidis-agora)

If you like the Theme, please, get me a good review!