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Material Portfolio & Resume Theme

This is my new Theme built with MaterializeCSS. You can use it as Portfolio and Resume Theme. Every section can be enabled or disabled in the theme config. To change the contents of those sections i wrote a plugin that helps you to set it up with ease!

  • Change main theme color to any you want.
  • Edit your Skills and show it in a nice diagram
  • Change profile picture
  • Upload Logo
  • Edit your personal information
  • Edit experience, education and team
  • Edit portfolio items
  • Publish Testimonals
  • Disable any section you don't want
  • Edit all other texts in the frontend with Samuell's Content Editor Plugin
  • Working contact form with Contact Us Plugin
  • Fully responsive design with MaterializeCSS
  • all this easily from the backend, no HTML knowledge needed for this

Go to your backend to Settings -> System -> Updates & Plugins and install the following Plugins. (just copy & paste the PluginIDs below and put it in the search box.)

  • Zwiebl.MaterialThemeAddons
  • Samuell.ContentEditor
  • DevINX.ContactUs
  • ToughDeveloper.ImageResizer

You could also bind those plugins to your OctoberCMS Project here in the store. They will be installed when you click on 'check for updates'

Theme Settings

Once installed you will notice a new menu entry in OctoberCMS called Material Theme. First of all navigate to it and change the Theme Name and set a color you like. Then disable any sections that you don't need.


  • Skills: Set the name and the height of the graph bar. You can also sort the items.

  • Education, Experience & Team: Change the school/company name, worked from, worked till, description. You can also upload an image. This should be at least 400px wide. The height doesn't matter but needs to be the same at all images.

Portfolio Slider

(Will only be shown if you enter at least one item) Go to the theme settings and choole the Tab Portfolio. At the top you need to set your categories. Use small letters. Then add a new portfolio item and set the required fields. The image gets resized and cropped so it doesn't really matter which size you use. At the category field you have to enter your category. If the item belongs to other categories too, simply separate them with spaces.

Contact Form

You need to insert your E-Mail data in Settings -> Marketing -> Contact Us Plugin


  • Found the theme useful on 12 Jun, 2017

    I'ts ok, but you are very limited to the initial structure. Also, I wish more projects used the Rainlab.Translate Plugin.

    If the initial look is what you're aiming for, then this theme undoubtedly will fullfill your needs ;)

  • Found the theme useful on 28 Mar, 2017

    This is a great theme, very well done and easy to work with.


Bug fixes

Feb 25, 2017


Better theme config options

Feb 24, 2017


Working Portfolio Slider

Feb 24, 2017


New theme preview image

Feb 23, 2017


Social Links can be set in theme config

Feb 23, 2017


Logo can be set in theme config

Feb 23, 2017


Most features (skills, experience, education) are working already. just a few days till release. :-)

Feb 23, 2017