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Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Apr 26, 2016
  • Current version: 1.3.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x incompatible
    v1.x incompatible
  • Extensions: 1
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Edit content from front-end.

How to use it? It's simple.

  • Drop the Content Editor component to a CMS page.
  • Check if you have {% framework %} and {% scripts %} inside layout for working ajax requests and {% styles %} for additional css
  • Use this code in your page code and link the editor to a content file or set name to autocreate new file

Simple example:

{% component 'contenteditor' file="filename_in_content.htm" %}
  • file - Content block filename to edit, optional. If doesnt exists it will autocreate
  • fixture - Fixed name for content block, useful for inline texts (headers, spans...)
  • tools - List of enabled tools, comma separated (for all use *)
  • class - Class for element, mostly useful for fixtures


{% component 'contenteditor' file="filename_in_content.htm" fixture="h3" tools="bold,italic" class="my-class" %}
Tools list
  • bold => Bold (b)
  • italic => Italic (i)
  • link => Link (a)
  • align-left => Align left
  • align-center => Align center
  • align-right => Align right
  • heading => Heading (h1)
  • subheading => Subheading (h2)
  • subheading3 => Subheading3 (h3)
  • subheading4 => Subheading4 (h4)
  • subheading5 => Subheading5 (h5)
  • paragraph => Paragraph (p)
  • unordered-list => Unordered list (ul)
  • ordered-list => Ordered list (ol)
  • table => Table
  • indent => Indent
  • unindent => Unindent
  • line-break => Line-break (br)
  • image => Image upload
  • video => Video
  • preformatted => Preformatted (pre)


  • Edit content files
  • Multilingual support (Rainlab Translate needed)
  • Image upload to MediaLibrary with cropping
  • Settings in backend
  • Autocreate file if not exists

If you found issue or have idea for new feature post it here.

Inspired by Editable plugin and using Content tools editor.

How to use it? It's simple.

  • Drop the Content Editor component to a CMS page.
  • Check if you have {% framework %} and {% scripts %} inside layout for working ajax requests and {% styles %} for additional css
  • Use this code in your page code and link the editor to a content file or set name to autocreate new file

Simple example:

{% component 'contenteditor' file="filename_in_content.htm" %}
  • file - Content block filename to edit, optional. If doesnt exists it will autocreate
  • fixture - Fixed name for content block, useful for inline texts (headers, spans...)
  • tools - List of enabled tools, comma separated (for all use *)
  • class - Class for element, mostly useful for fixtures


{% component 'contenteditor' file="filename_in_content.htm" fixture="h3" tools="bold,italic" class="my-class" %}
Tools list
  • bold => Bold (b)
  • italic => Italic (i)
  • link => Link (a)
  • align-left => Align left
  • align-center => Align center
  • align-right => Align right
  • heading => Heading (h1)
  • subheading => Subheading (h2)
  • subheading3 => Subheading3 (h3)
  • subheading4 => Subheading4 (h4)
  • subheading5 => Subheading5 (h5)
  • paragraph => Paragraph (p)
  • unordered-list => Unordered list (ul)
  • ordered-list => Ordered list (ol)
  • table => Table
  • indent => Indent
  • unindent => Unindent
  • line-break => Line-break (br)
  • image => Image upload
  • video => Video
  • preformatted => Preformatted (pre)


  • Front-end editor buttons shows only if you have cms content permissions
  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Aug, 2021

    Hi Samuel, the editor only works on H1 elements in my project? Also whenever I change the H1 to let's say for example a p and I try to edit it again I can't select it anymore.

    How can I fix this?

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Mar, 2021

    Hey! That's great plugin! Truly, I've just started, but I am impressed and so happy! But I have one issue, everything works, text is being changed and saved, etc. But I have error in console^ GET http://localhost/contenteditor/styles net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found). I ve already put {% styles %}, but the problem is stil there... How can i solve it? Thank you in advance!

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Jul, 2020

    I installed content editor plugin in october cms project in my localhost it's still not loading and showing any front end button edit button like demo and screen shots and i already did added frame works and styles and scripts in my static layout page only load welcome.htm other pages and loading and not showing

    Kindly Resolve my issue asap Thanks Nagaraju

  • author

    Replied on 13 Jul, 2020

    Hey, thanks for review! Do you getting any errors in browser console? If you find anything more you can create issue in github repository.

  • Found the plugin useful on 31 Mar, 2020

    It's kinda bug report, I got few themes on my website, with different content, and sometimes, this plugin loads text not from a active theme, so, that causing a lot of misunderstanding. And, second one, even if fixture="span", sometimes text appears as "p" tag, that's not good at all. But still, 4/5, good work.

  • author

    Replied on 31 Mar, 2020

    Hey, if you switch themes you should clear cache plugin automatically caches similar content names.

    If you having more issues please make issue on github. Thanks!

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Mar, 2020

    Plugin is very useful and easy to use, works great

    Can you have more than one contenteditor on each partial? im getting an ajax issue when using contenteditor with a different alias

    AJAX handler 'contenteditor2::onSave' was not found


  • author

    Replied on 13 Mar, 2020

    Hey, thanks for review!

    Yes, you can have multiple on page but not in partials because they are limited from ocms as you can see here in docs: http://octobercms.com/docs/cms/partials#life-cycle-limitations

  • Found the plugin useful on 17 Dec, 2019

    An absolutely awesome plugin - ? Thank you Samuell

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Sep, 2019

    Awesome tool. My CMS is now better than ever. Thanks a lot.

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 Jun, 2019

    Thanks for this nice plugin! To the users with saving problems: I found the "problem" with the spinning wheel while saving: It's because Bootstrap includes the SLIM version of jQuery. And only the first jquery script will load. So you need to change the jQuery version and it will work.

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 May, 2019

    Hey Samuell, thank you for this great plugin, I'm really enjoying it and I will roll it out to my clients soon. I was wondering, is it possible to add paragraphs at existing texts and how should is do so? I got this paragraph buttons in the toolbar, but it's always grayed out.

  • author

    Replied on 6 May, 2019

    Hey, Thanks! Paragraphs should be automatically added if you press enter.

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Mar, 2019

    I got this error on submitting changes by this plugin: Uncaught TypeError: $.request is not a function

    What is this?

  • author

    Replied on 6 May, 2019

    Hey, this looks like you missing framework scripts in layout.

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Feb, 2019

    I included {% framework %}, {% scripts %} and {% styles %} to my lay-out and the content does get loaded. But the editor fails to initiate:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null at c.mount (content-tools.min.js:6) at c.init (content-tools.min.js:6) at contenteditor.js:5

  • author

    Replied on 24 Feb, 2019

    Hey, this looks like something is not loaded correctly or other script is changing something in content tools.

    If your issue is still there please make new report at github respository with more reproduction informations or reproduction repository. https://github.com/Samuell1/contenteditor-plugin/issues


  • Found the plugin useful on 30 Aug, 2018

    Very useful & user-friendly!

  • Found the plugin useful on 31 Jul, 2018

    Love plugin! It's very useful! Could you please check my issue? - https://github.com/Samuell1/contenteditor/issues/64

    Can't get it work inside partials, but it works fine if I put component in page or layout.

  • Found the plugin useful on 25 Apr, 2018

    Looks like it could work well but is unclear how to get this to actually work properly. I managed to get the content editor showing up on the page but whenever I clicked the green 'tick' button to confirm an edit it would hang on the spinning grey cog and never save. It would be great if there was a short video demonstrating what to do - from installing to making some edits and saving.

  • author

    Replied on 16 May, 2018

    Hey, this can be because something is missing or is a bug. Can you check browser console for errors? If you find any issue, bug you can report issue at github repository.

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Mar, 2018

    The plugin does not save any changes. Each time stops at the icon and no result. Everything was done according to the documentation. {% component 'contenteditor' file="text.htm" %} {% framework%} {% scripts %} {% styles %} How can I contact you to solve the problem?

  • author

    Replied on 16 May, 2018

    Hey, do you have included jQuery too? Please look in browser console if you get any errors.

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Feb, 2018

    Having issues when trying to save changes made. The cog icon just keeps spinning. Any reason why this happens?

  • author

    Replied on 5 Feb, 2018

    Hey, thanks for review! Check console for errors, maybe you missing some scripts.

  • Found the plugin useful on 30 Jan, 2018

    Nice Plugin but image upload not working. I am using version 1.0.9

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Oct, 2017

    hello :) I cant seem to insert this plugin into a page, I installed it and added {% component 'contenteditor' file="filename_in_content.htm" %} on my cms Page but the edit buttons are not showing up in the page. This is not working for any user, I tried adding a new user group with all roles set but still nothing.. any help is appreciated...

  • author

    Replied on 6 Nov, 2017

    Hey, dont forget to add {% framework %}, {% scripts %} and {% styles %} to your layout

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Aug, 2017

    Quick Question!

    How I can, I use inside link Twig syntax Like this {{ 'about-us'|page }} Any help would be appreciated

    Here is my result https://pasteboard.co/GGHGNmT.png

  • author

    Replied on 22 Aug, 2017

    Hey, thanks for review! I think you can use it like you say and twig will parse that

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Aug, 2017

    I need help on inserting the images, it keeps showing error, a big 'X' symbol is showing once i clicked the image that i want to insert in the page

  • author

    Replied on 11 Aug, 2017

    Hey, can you please fill issue?

  • Found the plugin useful on 25 Jul, 2017

    Awesome plugin that makes editing very simple. Also handles existing custom formatting very well

  • Found the plugin useful on 29 Jun, 2017

    Excellent plugin.

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Jun, 2017

    Great plugin! But I got a problem. When entering edit mode on front-end I see only short version of edit tools with only undo-redo and trash buttons. Whole tools appear only when I make cursor focused on some paragraph element. But it doesn't help when I focus on a table. So if there is only table in current page I can't see full tools list. http://prntscr.com/fiyl5f

  • author

    Replied on 12 Jun, 2017

    Hey, thanks for review! Can you please create issue here (https://github.com/Samuell1/contenteditor/issues) with more informations (used code, version of octoberCMS...)?

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Jun, 2017

    Hey Samuell! Thank you very much for this great plugin! Saved me a lot of timeI A really great plugin, fast communication and valuable advice from the creator. Thank you very much agan!

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Feb, 2017

    I love this plugin, but I'm having some trouble using it with the Multi template (https://octobercms.com/theme/jtherczeg-multi). That template has the relevant "page" info on the layout/defaults.htm file instead of the pages/home.htm file, and uses Partial files along with Content files (instead of just Content files). Is there a way to use this plugin with the Multi template (replace Partials AND Content with the Component tag, not just Content), or would I have to rearrange/restructure the Multi template (so it's more similar to the demo template) to get it to work? Thanks in advance.

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Nov, 2016

    Hey Samuell! Thank you very much for this great plugin! I see that you just released v1.0.3 and that you added code for auto creating a content file if it does not exist. Is it also possible to create a localized file? For example I create the website in english (default language) and create a content file called intro.htm. Let's say that I add german as second language later on. Does the plugin already provide the possibility to auto-create a localized content file for the active locale or can it be implemented easily? Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you

  • author

    Replied on 10 Nov, 2016

    Thanks! Yes plugin supports rainlab translate plugin. If you switch to other language and save, then new file will be created intro.en.htm

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Oct, 2016

    Great alternative to the editable plugin. However, I can't make image upload to work (I see the popup, but when I choose an image in my hard drive, the upload don't work).

    Hope to see the 1.3 soon as announced features are really exciting.

  • author

    Replied on 9 Oct, 2016

    Thanks! Upload work only in +1.0.3 version. You can download it and try it!

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Oct, 2016

    Nice plugin. but for now it is only usable for simple texts. if there exist a few <divs> in the html markup then you cant edit this part of content. (ex. a simple bootstrap row & col div)

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Aug, 2016

    I love this plugin. Is it still under development? I'm waiting for v1.3 features ;)

  • author

    Replied on 12 Aug, 2016

    Yes :)

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 May, 2016

    Very cool replacement for Editable plugin. Nice UX.

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 Apr, 2016

    Nice work!


OCMS v3 support

Sep 15, 2023


Fix to correct version structure

Dec 10, 2022


Small fixes & code cleanup

Jul 10, 2022


Allow only image extensions for upload

Apr 03, 2021


Add small tag tool

Nov 15, 2020


Fix custom styles linking

May 01, 2020


!!! Added content editor own permissions and remove old permission handling that depended on system permissions

Jan 05, 2020


Fix issue with undefined tools

Nov 05, 2019


Small fixes

Oct 14, 2019


Add component caching

Aug 17, 2019


Allow style attribute in property dialog

Aug 11, 2019


Load default file if language file does not exists

Oct 05, 2018


Handle various storage paths for images

Oct 05, 2018


Fix render __SELF__.class in component partials

Jul 06, 2018


Support classes for fixture

Jul 05, 2018


Fix SELF prefix for fixtures

Feb 06, 2018


Fix missing fixture in render component

Dec 04, 2017


Fix BackendAuth issue for build 420

Dec 04, 2017


Added additional styles

Sep 03, 2017


Fix for autocreating files for translation

Apr 18, 2017


Added fixture option

Apr 16, 2017


Enabled taglist input for selecting tags

Dec 20, 2016


Image upload to MediaLibrary

Nov 10, 2016


Support for translate plugin

May 01, 2016


First version of ContentEditor

Apr 24, 2016