Modular Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Clear

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Hi, I use October in french langage, and clear theme. all works well, but some translations are missing, as '' 'subscribe' in newsletter form, and some others all around the website. Cant' find this datas either in source code nor in database.

So where to go to see this words to update them ?

Thanks for reply


fphilip54381 said:

Hi, I use October in french langage, and clear theme. all works well, but some translations are missing, as '' 'subscribe' in newsletter form, and some others all around the website. Cant' find this datas either in source code nor in database.

So where to go to see this words to update them ?

Thanks for reply

You can translate any text easily following the instructions of the octobercms translate plugin. For example if you want to translate 'subscribe' text on footer you have to go to:
site/footer.htm and change:
subscribe to {{ 'subscribe'|_ }}
Then on backend go to settings -> translate messages and translate your text to your preferred language.


Hi Charis, thanks. Ok, found in the clear theme baught yesterday, but not in the one baught last year :

    <div class="footer-widget col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" data-aos="zoom-in" data-aos-delay="600">
        <h3 class="widget-title">Newsletter</h3>
        <div class="block-subscribe">
                <p>{{ this.theme.footer_subscribe }}</p>
                {% component 'MtmSubscriber' %}

any update ?

Last updated


fphilip54381 said:

Hi Charis, thanks. Ok, found in the clear theme baught yesterday, but not in the one baught last year :

   <div class="footer-widget col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" data-aos="zoom-in" data-aos-delay="600">
       <h3 class="widget-title">Newsletter</h3>
       <div class="block-subscribe">
               <p>{{ this.theme.footer_subscribe }}</p>
               {% component 'MtmSubscriber' %}

any update ?

I don't unterstand exactly what do you meen. {% component 'MtmSubscriber' %} is not on clear theme code, never was. If you need the latest version just update theme from backend, or copy paste code from your new Installation.

Last updated


Hi, Ok, seems that it's one custom dev from user, will see with him...

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