Saratov paradise

`Saratov paradise` is a multifunctional theme, with a full-fledged tool for creating your own landing from ready-made blocks in a short time.

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Hi, I have just bought the theme. Could you please tell me how to implement the Theme and where to put Project ID that I have received. Do I have to download and extract the ZIP into the site CPanel, or there is some other way.



Hi, Settings -> Updates&Plugins -> Attach Project (link) -> paste ProjectID -> DONE


Darkrogua said:

Hi, Settings -> Updates&Plugins -> Attach Project (link) -> paste ProjectID -> DONE

Thanks, this has been done. After that I have installed the required plugins as described in Theme documentation. Now if I go on "Pages" (the Top Menu) and choose my "Main" page there is a pop-up message with some code (I can provide it, if requested). I click "OK", but at the right bottom part of the screen, all the modules are constantly on state "Loading..." If I click on them in order to edit, once again a pop-up message with a code appear and I am not able to edit. What should I do? I may provide some more information if needed. Thanks for your support!


can you provide screenshots? or a short screen video?


Darkrogua said:

can you provide screenshots? or a short screen video?

Here it is. This is when I open Pages and click on Main, or when I try to click on some of the Loading signs.


Darkrogua I’ve been recording a video for a long time. Have you done everything like a video? The site is working ?


Darkrogua said: I’ve been recording a video for a long time. Have you done everything like a video? The site is working ?

Hi, Thanks for the video - it is a good one. I have done what was described in it before, but anyway, in order to have fresh installation and exactly the way you did it, I performed the following steps: (as showed in the video)

  1. Uninstall the OctoberCMS from my Host provider CPanel
  2. Install the OctoberCMS
  3. Put the ProjectID into the Settings -> Updates&Plugins -> Attach Project (link) -> paste ProjectID
  4. Install the required plugins (here I also follow the same order as you did) 4.1. Static Page 4.2. Builder Saratov Paradise 4.3. Google Map 4.4. Robots.txt 4.5. CSS Combine 4.6. Image Resizer 4.7. Sitemap (here is an IMG of all these with the versions:

When I open the site it loads exactly as yours in the video (in Demo mode). Your video ends when you go in Content management. Mine Content management section is also fine - same as yours. BUT, when I click on Pages I still get the odd message as shown in still remains.

What should I do? Do I miss something? How to proceed building up and editing the site?



Jordan.Filchev55919 said:

Darkrogua said: I’ve been recording a video for a long time. Have you done everything like a video? The site is working ?

Hi, Thanks for the video - it is a good one. I have done what was described in it before, but anyway, in order to have fresh installation and exactly the way you did it, I performed the following steps: (as showed in the video)

  1. Uninstall the OctoberCMS from my Host provider CPanel
  2. Install the OctoberCMS
  3. Put the ProjectID into the Settings -> Updates&Plugins -> Attach Project (link) -> paste ProjectID
  4. Install the required plugins (here I also follow the same order as you did) 4.1. Static Page 4.2. Builder Saratov Paradise 4.3. Google Map 4.4. Robots.txt 4.5. CSS Combine 4.6. Image Resizer 4.7. Sitemap (here is an IMG of all these with the versions:

When I open the site it loads exactly as yours in the video (in Demo mode). Your video ends when you go in Content management. Mine Content management section is also fine - same as yours. BUT, when I click on Pages I still get the odd message as shown in still remains.

What should I do? Do I miss something? How to proceed building up and editing the site?


did you activate the theme? Settings->Front-end theme->Saratov Paradise (click button Activate)


Darkrogua said:

Jordan.Filchev55919 said:

Darkrogua said: I’ve been recording a video for a long time. Have you done everything like a video? The site is working ?

Hi, Thanks for the video - it is a good one. I have done what was described in it before, but anyway, in order to have fresh installation and exactly the way you did it, I performed the following steps: (as showed in the video)

  1. Uninstall the OctoberCMS from my Host provider CPanel
  2. Install the OctoberCMS
  3. Put the ProjectID into the Settings -> Updates&Plugins -> Attach Project (link) -> paste ProjectID
  4. Install the required plugins (here I also follow the same order as you did) 4.1. Static Page 4.2. Builder Saratov Paradise 4.3. Google Map 4.4. Robots.txt 4.5. CSS Combine 4.6. Image Resizer 4.7. Sitemap (here is an IMG of all these with the versions:

When I open the site it loads exactly as yours in the video (in Demo mode). Your video ends when you go in Content management. Mine Content management section is also fine - same as yours. BUT, when I click on Pages I still get the odd message as shown in still remains.

What should I do? Do I miss something? How to proceed building up and editing the site?


did you activate the theme? Settings->Front-end theme->Saratov Paradise (click button Activate)

Absolutely! I did activate the Theme as described. I guess that this is why I am able to see the same demo site as you do in your video.

Last updated


Any update on this? Is the PHP version in some relation? - Mine is 7.3.17 What should I do next?


I checked on my server, everything works for me and no errors occur, try reinstalling the octobercms


Darkrogua said:

I checked on my server, everything works for me and no errors occur, try reinstalling the octobercms

I did the installation all from scratch (removing the whole October CMS as well) more than 10 times - just to be sure that I do everything correctly - No Change. I will try to do it on a different hosting provider and will give you a feedback. Are there any special settings that I may look for?


Hi, I just realized that this information could be useful for the troubleshooting that you are performing: The site, for which I am using the OctoberCMS and the Saratov theme is my SECOND domain on the hosting that I use. This means that all the stuff is installed in a subfolder of cPanel. I saw that someone else is also having troubles with different folder instalation (This post here - Please could you test it like this at your side? Thanks!


Jordan.Filchev55919 said:

Hi, I just realized that this information could be useful for the troubleshooting that you are performing: The site, for which I am using the OctoberCMS and the Saratov theme is my SECOND domain on the hosting that I use. This means that all the stuff is installed in a subfolder of cPanel. I saw that someone else is also having troubles with different folder instalation (This post here - Please could you test it like this at your side? Thanks!

I work in a company where there are many domains and subdomains on the hosting, and everyone works, I suggest you give me access to your site so that I can help solve the problem faster, send me ( a username and password to access the admin panel in Octoberсms


Hi, I just want to inform all the followers of this post, that all the issues have been solved. Here it is how: I gave the creator of the Theme access to my site. He was so kind to check and saw that the PlugIns are not properly installed - there was an Error 403. He recommended me I to contact the Host Provider of the site in order to check the file and folder permissions. I did so, I the support team did change the permissions as following: Files: 644 Folders: 755

Now everything works and there are no errors. Thanks to Artem Dmitrenko (and host support) now everything is working.

Great support! :)

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