Product support

Visit this product's website for support.


Main Features

  • Catalog mutually exclusive filtering & sorting
  • Catalog full-text search
  • Product gallery
  • Product reviews
  • Cross sale & Upsale options
  • Blog with posts sharing
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Customer wish list
  • Discount coupons
  • SEO management

Additional Features

  • Online payments support
  • Extra discounting and advertising options

Theme Settings

  • Custom branding
  • Contacts credentials
  • Predefined text blocks
  • Search options
  • Google maps integration
  • Payment options
  • Delivery options
  • Social media links
  • Promo sliders on the index page


Lighthouse audit results

Lighthouse audit results for the main pages:

Page Performance Accessibility Best practices SEO
Index 96 100 100 100
Catalog category 97 90* 100 100
Product 96 100 100 100
Blog 98 96** 100 100
Post 99 100 100 100

* Lighthouse Github issue #8435.

** Lighthouse Github issue #7077.

Browser Support

The theme is fully tested and compatible against the two recent desktop versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

and two recent mobile versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Safari

The Browserlist config is provided.

Please note, we support only fresh browsers to keep theme code clean and provide high performance.


You're free to customize the theme following the needs of your project. Front-end tools are provided.

Front-end tools are provided with the theme. So you can customize it following the needs of your project. Check the Documentation tab for more info.

Code Quality

We ensure the high quality of our products and provide you with full support. All of our products have extensive documentation. The quality of our products goes through rigorous testing, we have launched automated testing for all of our plugins. Our code conforms with the best writing and structuring practices. All this guarantees the stable work of our products after they are updated with new functionality and ensures their smooth integration.


© 2019, LOVATA Group, LLC under Regular or Extended marketplace license.

The following plugins are required
Static Pages

Static Pages

Adds static pages, menus and breadcrumbs features to OctoberCMS.

181,546 installations
# 1 in Free of all time.

Static Pages

Adds static pages, menus and breadcrumbs features to OctoberCMS.

Twig Extensions

Twig Extensions

Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

56,124 installations
# 9 in Free of all time.

Twig Extensions

Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

Image Resizer

Image Resizer

Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...

57,503 installations
# 21 in Free of all time.

Image Resizer

Easily resize and compress images. Provides Twig filter and PHP method. Works well with plugins such as blog,...



Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...

34,275 installations
# 22 in Free of all time.


Helpers for faster development: pagination rendering, objects and lists caching, UI strings for using in third...



No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

21,320 installations
# 13 in Free of all time.


No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

Filter for Shopaholic

Filter for Shopaholic

Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity

289 projects
# 11 in Paid of all time.

Filter for Shopaholic

Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity

Properties for Shopaholic

Properties for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers

440 projects
# 5 in Paid of all time.

Properties for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers

Orders for Shopaholic

Orders for Shopaholic

Allows customers to purchase products using the cart

10,607 installations
# 33 in Free of all time.

Orders for Shopaholic

Allows customers to purchase products using the cart

Popularity for Shopaholic

Popularity for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set the popularity index to products and allows customers to sort products by popularity

172 projects
# 20 in Paid of all time.

Popularity for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set the popularity index to products and allows customers to sort products by popularity

Related Products for Shopaholic

Related Products for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to make relations between products

207 projects
# 17 in Paid of all time.

Related Products for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to make relations between products

Mighty SEO

Mighty SEO

Adds SEO tasks automation

240 projects
# 16 in Paid of all time.

Mighty SEO

Adds SEO tasks automation

This theme is also included into the following bundles

Front-end Tooling

Getting Started

  1. Copy the contents of the folder build to the root of your project.
  2. Run npm i.
  3. Run npm run watch.
  4. Make your changes to the source code.


## Main commands

npm run watch       # Run `npm run development` in watching mode
npm run watch-poll  # Use it in case `npm run watch` doesn't update opened page
npm run development # Build dist for the dev environment
npm run production  # Build dist for the prod environment (minified source code)
npm run lint:css    # Lint & autofix CSS code following the config
npm run lint:js     # Lint & autofix JS code following the config

## Shortcuts

npm run dev         # Alias for `npm run development`
npm run prod        # Alias for Run `npm run production`


  • To show product sizes you should create a property with the size code and attach them to the offers.
  • To show the list of the main product properties you should create a property set with the main code and to attach a product properties to them.

Demo Data

You can add demo data to your installation using the following commands:

php artisan shopaholic:generate.fake.data        # adds demo products to the catalog
php artisan shopaholic:generate.theme.fake.data  # adds demo data to the theme settings
  • Found the theme useful on 13 Dec, 2023

    50% ready to use. Filter works well, Cart seems like too but, Wish list, Reviews and sliders are not in place after theme installation and fake data generation. Extremely poor documentation and there are no any place I can make request about support. $99 is quite expensive for this.

    So I need help about Wish list, Reviews and sliders still

  • Found the theme useful on 12 Oct, 2020

    The theme is truly complete and offers everything a webshop needs. The customizability is excellent, but had a small learning curve due to the way it's set up.

    One problem: The search engine doesn't seem to work.

  • author

    Replied on 14 Oct, 2020

    Hi Johr,

    Thx for your feedback. We're happy you enjoy the Sneakers theme!

    As for the Search functionality, make sure you've checked appropriate checkboxes (Search by category and Search by product) in the theme settings to enable the search functionality (Settings > Front-end theme > Sneakers E-Commerce Theme for Shopaholic > Customize > Search).

  • Found the theme useful on 10 Jan, 2020

    Installation is really very simple, literally in one button.

    Thanks for the great product.

  • author

    Replied on 24 Mar, 2020

    Thx for using Shopaholic products!

    To be honest, the one-click installation isn't seamless because of this October's issue #47289. Please, vote for it to improve UX of the October CMS itself in this case.

  • Found the theme useful on 4 May, 2019


  • author

    Replied on 7 May, 2019

    Thank you for your feedback! We're happy you've enjoyed this product!


Minor bug fixes

Dec 16, 2019


Updated content of .octoberinclude file

Jul 15, 2019


Replace .octoberinclude file to root folder

Jul 15, 2019


Added .octoberinclude file to build folder

Jul 11, 2019


Fixed updating of cart-info block on checkout page

May 31, 2019


Rebuild default assets files

May 11, 2019


Fixed path to default theme folder

May 10, 2019


Updated npm packages version

May 04, 2019


Theme initialization

Apr 26, 2019