Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Mar 19, 2024
  • Current version: 1.0.10
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x not tested
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Inherent.Campus lets you set up your own online courses platform

Campus is a starter website, you can use to create your own online courses platform, used to create an online courses platform, a platform that allows people to enrol and go through online courses created by author(s).

Online Courses Platform

This theme provides everything necessary to run its own online courses platform. The theme requires the plugin Inherent.Campus to work

Available Pages

  • Marketing pages
    • Homepage
    • Marketing Courses List page
    • Marketing Course page (with stripe checkout link or appointment link)
  • "System" pages
    • Login page
    • Reset password page
  • Enrolled User pages
    • User dashboard page with enrolled courses
    • user account page with enrolled courses
    • course detail page (with available modules list)
    • modules list page per course
    • lesson detail page


Accessing all your enrolled has never been so easy. Each customer can choose its preferred UI language (English and French available for now).

A lesson consists in:

  • some rich text content
  • downloadable documents
  • embedded video [or] personal video [or] PDF slideshow [or] images slideshow [or] audio [or] simple image

Customer can mark each as completed following the drip method the course's author decided. More info in the plugin Inherent.Campus for that.

A customer can enrolled into a course in 3 different ways:

  • by invitation: the course's author himself creates the user account and enrol him into the course,
  • by application: the course's author himself will do an interview with the interested person and then will decide to create or not the user account and enrol him into the course,
  • by Stripe checkout link: the user directly pay for the course, his account is created and he can start his course right away

Stripe checkout

The only current payment gateway implemented is currently Stripe. If you need to use another payment gateway, please let us know. You can always externalize the payment at your convenience if needs to be and enrol yourself the user with 3 clicks in the backend.


If you want to use personal video such as .mp4, we highly recommend to use a CDN for your medias. You can also use Google Drive to embed videos in the lesson's content.


Don't forget to set the Front Theme Settings.

Future planned features

  • UI for course author (other than October backend)
  • commenting inside lesson
  • forum


The plugin inherent.campus is required for this theme to work as expected.

This theme can be used as a starter to develop your own theme for the plugin inherent.campus who is the heart of the online course platform.

How it works

Essentially, authors will create courses with their modules and their lessons in the backend using the plugin inherent.campus


display course tagline

May 11, 2024


mp4 video as course cover fix

May 11, 2024


to force theme update

May 11, 2024


allows for course cover mp4 video; minor adjustments

Mar 21, 2024


author code updated

Mar 19, 2024


UI enhancements

Mar 19, 2024


Refine Lesson completion management

Mar 19, 2024


Fix assets issue

Mar 19, 2024


Added My Profile page

Mar 19, 2024


Updated Library page

Mar 19, 2024


Theme initialization

Mar 19, 2024