Opening Times

List opening times in the frontend area

Back to Opening Times Support

Mr Hound
Mr Hound


There is a nice idea behind this plugin but it really needs better support for different languages.
The variable otNextOpen contains pieces of German language.

I make some changes :

  • Opening Times version : 1.0.2
  • file : plugins/zwiebl/openingtimes/components/ListOpeningTimes.php
  • function : nextOpen
  • line : 47
  • code :
    $nextOpenLFormat = '';
    if ($this->page['activeLocale'] == 'en') {
        setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US.utf8');
        $nextOpenLFormat = $nextOpen->formatLocalized('%A, %B %d. %Y - %l:%M%P');
    else {
        setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.utf8');
        $nextOpenLFormat = $nextOpen->formatLocalized('%A, %d. %B %Y - %H:%M Uhr');


    $nextOpenLFormat = '';
    $nextOpen->setLocale( config('app.locale') );
    setlocale(LC_TIME, config('app.locale') );
    $nextOpenLFormat = $nextOpen->formatLocalized('%A, %d. %B %Y - %H:%M');

French translation added, see merge Requests #1


Hi Mr Hound, thanks for your contribution. i merged the changes and created an update package.

if anyone else wants to add a language, you can find the language files there.

Thank you!

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