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  • Multiple time entries per weekday
  • Add exceptions for specific dates
  • Auto calculate if 'now' is open
  • Component for displaying Opening Times
  • Supports English and German


  • PHP7 or higher - As the included library and october itself requires it.

Spatie for their OpeningHours Library


To install the Plugin search for Opening Times in your OctoberCMS Backend or install it via the artisan command

php artisan plugin:install Zwiebl.OpeningTimes


Go to Settings -> OpeningTimes and configure your Opening Times. You need check every weekday once, even if it is closed. If only one day is missing, the component can not automatically calculate if 'now' is open.

Once the Opening Times are set up, add the component 'Show Opening Times' to a Page or Layout.

The component Tag is {% component 'openingTimes' %} Add it anywhere in your page code or layout code.

With the component properties you can choose if shortened day names should be used.

Add a localePicker Component from Rainlab.Translate to your page where OpeningTimes is used. Otherwise you won't get localized time entries.


Bug fix and french translation. Thanks to "Mr Hound"

Feb 21, 2018


Add missing vendor files

Apr 19, 2017


Initialize plugin.

Apr 16, 2017

No special attention needed.