November Gallery Pro

Display your photos in an embedded gallery, as thumbnails "masonry-style", in a responsive "swiper", or as a pop-up lightbox! Use it in CMS Pages, Static Pages, or your Rainlab Blog posts, or create a "Gallery Hub" with links to all of your galleries!

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October (v2.1.23) "System update" shows November gallery has Update (current version 1.0.12, latest 2.0.0).
Plugin is added to my project (on October website) and i run php artisan project:sync.
In composer.json: "zenware/novembergallery-plugin": "^1.0".
I try: composer update zenware/novembergallery-plugin (plugin not plugins like in your documentation??).
Nothing happens..
How upgrade plugin to version 2?

Hi mnt69765,

This seems to be an issue with OctoberCMS, let me try and get some help from them and I will get back to you.

Thanks, Laszlo

Hi mnt69765,

I've looked into the issue. Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of composer: composer update
  2. Your composer.json is indeed locking you to version 1 of NovemberGallery, to fix this run: composer require zenware/novembergallery-plugin ^2.0.1
  3. Afterwards run: php artisan october:migrate (the OctoberCMS admin page will not show the current version number of the plugin until you this)

If you run into issues you can try composer clear-cache. If composer hangs, or you are running into errors, try adding the "-vvv" tag to the failing composer command to get detailed debug info, for example: composer update -vvv, and paste the output here please.

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