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Post | When |
Hi Responsive, Give me a few days to investigate. Can you confirm if you purchased a license, or di... |
Posted in Gallery Breaking from end page |
Hi Stefan, were you able to resolve your issue or do you need us to take a deeper dive? |
Posted in octoberCMS V3: Can't open settings |
Hi Stefan, Unusual error, that file should definitely have been copied during isntallation. How did ... |
Posted in octoberCMS V3: Can't open settings |
You're becoming a great tester! I fixed the issue. Please update to v2.0.6 and it should be working... |
Posted in SQL Error - Order By |
Marscelle, would you consider adding a short review about the plugin? I would very much appreciate i... |
Posted in Gallery Admin - Gallery Name Char Limit |
Hi Marscelle, sure. I've published an update to the plugin that raises the limit to 190 characters, ... |
Posted in Gallery Admin - Gallery Name Char Limit |
Hi there, I've published an update to the plugin that should fix this and I've also added "Published... |
Posted in Gallery Admin Section - Column Ordering |
Hi Marscelle, I can't seem to reproduce. Is this still an issue? Can you please describe step-by-ste... |
Posted in Gallery Admin Thumbnail |
Thank you @daftspunky for jumping in on this. |
Hi there, I've published an update to the plugin, please do
to upgrade. ... |
Posted in SQL Error - Order By |