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I am really new to octobercms and one of the first things I searched was a multisite plugin or so. Great that I found this !

Apart from some troubles while installing it all, octobercms seems to work fine, also with the plugin, but how do I edit content or sites for the new test site I just created ?

were cool someone could help me out.

regards, Oliver


hm .. sad, no way to contact anyone here ?


When I read myself .. maybe to make it more clear ..

I have created 2 sites, I can edit everything for the first site, I also see the "Settings -> Multisite" stuff, but how do I now "switch" to the 2nd site I created to edit the content for it ?


Did you read the documentation for the plugin? The theme changer, the native one for October, is what you use to switch between different sites.


harrisonbolin12412 said:

Did you read the documentation for the plugin? The theme changer, the native one for October, is what you use to switch between different sites.

Unless there's something else the OP and I missing, that only changes the theme, itself, and the docs show no indication of how to edit the content within the CMS. It doesn't change anything for editing the content using the CMS interface. The "pages," "content," "partials," etc sections only show the content for the first/default site.

Managing multiple sites with the multisite plugin works well on the domain part within the CMS, but it appears the only way to edit the sites' content is via the filesystem.


In fact, you can switch the active theme in the backend and it will load the correct files under the CMS tabs.

However, this is very annoying to use and can be improved with minimal efforts IMHO, here is 2 possibilities :

  • Add a quick theme switcher somewhere in the backend, always accessible, that allow to quickly switch active theme without going to system > settings etc....

  • An even better alternative would be to automatically switch the active theme depending on the domaine you use to access the backoffice.

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