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  • Added on Oct 7, 2014
  • Current version: 1.1.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Extensions: 2
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Domain-based multisite plugin for OctoberCMS

Coming back!


As Keios is now web development section of Viamage, additional resources have been provided for OctoberCMS Market existence. Expect updates for this plugin as well!

Current version of the plugin has all issues mentioned in opinions resolved and all propositions properly raised on our Trello. We'll be coming back to you!


  • Register themes for different domains
  • Filter which domains can use backend

How to use?

Instructions are in Documentation tab.

Want to request additional features?

Visit www.viamage.com and use the contact form!

Added Public GIT repo for plugin in case someone needs it.
Please kindly contact us for support before adding negative opinion about this plugin.

Domain-based multisite plugin for OctoberCMS

How to use:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> CMS -> Multisite
  2. Enter your desired domain name (Fully Qualified Domain Name required) and select active theme for that domain.
  3. Save, that's all, anyone visiting selected domain bound to that OctoberCMS instance will see your selected theme.

If you change your themes without changing selected themes in Multisite settings, plugin will automatically route all non-matching requests to theme selected as default in OctoberCMS theme selector. That might complicate things a bit, read further.

How to work on multiple themes in one OctoberCMS?

If you work on your theme with backend, access backend with appropriate domain to gain access to appropriate theme.


Your settings are saved in database and cached using your configured cache service on every configuration save to avoid unneeded database calls.

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 May, 2021

    WIth October 2.0

    Change the line 79 : $backendUri = Config::get('cms.backendUri'); to $backendUri = Config::get('backend.uri');

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Apr, 2020


  • Found the plugin useful on 2 Mar, 2019

    it's possible to have subdirectory for sub site ?

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Jan, 2018

    The multisite plugin is great, however one huge caveat is that multiple people can only work on the same active theme. Would be great if you could work on different themes at the same time.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 21 Sep, 2016

    Bad doc's and seems to not work. Really can not stress enough about creating some proper doc's for this, maybe update this and add a video to demo how to set this up right. I really hate trying to mind read things... (sorry to have to leave bad feedback but pls update your doc's).

  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Jul, 2016

    NOTE! As of this change, March 22, 2016: https://github.com/octobercms/october/commit/7c08b10fa2f509124a7b9de6bbd8468be308bf46

    You must change line 113 of Plugin.php to use 'cms.theme.getActiveTheme' event instead of 'cms.activeTheme'

    No other changes are necessary. Will submit pull request on gihub.

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Oct, 2015

    Very useful. It's exactly what i'm lokking for.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 3 Aug, 2015

    Does not work, or I was to silly to read the docs, but even then it was bad documented. Poor support, no answers in forum or private messages and even the contact form on the authors website does not work ("enter a subject" while there is no subject field .. )

    sorry, this is useless then.

  • Found the plugin useful on 1 May, 2015

    This is plugin is one of the best I have come across. I have worked with some Django APIs for Multisite, this is the most simple to use!!! Truly amazing!!

    Are you'll have planning to have a support for site specific users ? I am using this to build a multisite system with different owners for each site and their own users.

    P.S. The only reason I added a project on the Dashboard here is to add a review to you guys! Great Work!

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Apr, 2015

    This plugin is spectacular and works as expected. BOTH down votes for the plugin currently are due to folks not understanding how to read documentation or ask questions. I commend and am thankful to the developers for this plugin which now makes it flawless for us to transfer over from WordPress to October! :-)

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Mar, 2015

    /models/setting/Setting.php line 54 needs a change

    • $path = base_path() . Config::get('cms.themesDir');
    • $path = base_path() . Config::get('cms.themesPath');

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Feb, 2015

    Great Plugin!! It does all what I expected from. Just a remark, If I'm logged in under a domain would be great to have the assigned theme in the CMS area.

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Jan, 2015

    Thank you for your insight, of course you're right. Plugin has been updated, fixed version is in repo already, it will be updated in the market as soon as build is finished.

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Jan, 2015

    Cache clear button message not showing as expected. I can't register your public repository system, so writing down changing here. You need to add "use Lang" in Settings.php and than in onClearCache method, you should use "Flash::success(Lang::get('voipdeploy.multisite::lang.flash.cache-clear'));"

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Dec, 2014

    Guys, can you please not downvote a plugin, when you haven't read the manual? Just ask a question if you need an advice, we do hang on here.

  • Found the plugin useful on 11 Dec, 2014

    Hi, sorry i find it.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 11 Dec, 2014


    I cannot find Navigate to Settings -> CMS -> Multisite ...

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Oct, 2014

    Got it to work inside the Project ID



  • Found the plugin not useful on 13 Oct, 2014

    Download link?


Fix for top menu width

May 21, 2018


Code inspect fixes

Aug 23, 2016


Minor bugfix

Mar 17, 2015


Rebranded to Keios

Mar 16, 2015


Added translations

Nov 23, 2014


Added cache clear function

Oct 08, 2014


Add is_protected value to all records

Oct 07, 2014


First version of Multisite

Oct 07, 2014