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I get this working, but i would like to have some user credentials in the payload, how can i do that? You send two objects with your plugin, token and user info.

when decoding the token i get this: { "sub": 1, "iss": "http://localhost:81/blabla/api/login", "iat": 1509078063, "exp": 1509081663, "nbf": 1509078063, "jti": "3fe81d63126f3acd5297c8274ff6161f" }

I want the users email and name there too. How do i do that? I use it for an angular app and i dont want to login every time i refresh the site just to get the user data.


Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. Added this feature in latest plguin version. Check the docs to see how to add custom paramters.

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