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How can I get the signed in user data from another plugin? I am able to sign in and when I do a request in a restricted area it works fine. But how can I access the existing user object? I tried using BackendAuth::getUser() but it doesn't work.
I would like to check the user id of the user making request and do some ownership checks on a record. How do I do this?
First, JWTAuth works with front-end user not backend by default. About how to get user object:
$user_id = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate()->id;
$model = UserModel::find($user_id);
Last updated
Just a quick note for anyone using the very helpful snippet above (Thank you vdomah) - in your API controller, don't put the above in your _construct otherwise if the Token isn't valid (e.g. expired), it won't return the correct {error: token_expired} type response, instead it shows the Laravel/OctoberCMS debug page
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