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Hi all, I have an error after install october cms project on other server. (Build 455) When call http://www.mydomain.ext/api/login or other API service with middleware i have this error:
October\Rain\Auth\Models\User and Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable define the same property ($rememberTokenName) in the composition of Vdomah\JWTAuth\Models\User. However, the definition differs and is considered incompatible. Class was composed
/home/vagrant/code/www.mydomain.ext/plugins/vdomah/jwtauth/models/User.php line 5
Only /api/signup work fine can you help me?
Last updated
/vendor/october/rain/src/Auth/Models/User.php in prev build version did not contain $rememberTokenName property. In 455 build yes.
The problem could be the /plugins/vdomah/jwtauth/models/User.php Class?
Your User Model use \Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable; /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Authenticatable.php and /vendor/october/rain/src/Auth/Models/User.php have defined the same property $rememberTokenName.
If I comment one of them it's work. But i don't think it's the best solution...
Sorry for my bad english ;)
planetadeleste said:
Any news about this? @giuseppe.petagine20183 did you fix it?
I commented out use \Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable; from /plugins/vdomah/jwtauth/models/User.php
Now it works! ;)
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