Is there anyway to give different parent blogs their own individual categories, rather than categories shared between the 2?
Is this possible for the backend when people choose the parent type for the post?
So when a person creates a post and chooses the parent type the categories refresh.
Last updated
yes - via the "series" pulldown. You would want to pre-add your needed series groupings. And the list components can filter by that as well.
Okay so at the moment I have several categories all ready input but and they are shared across the different parent posts. So 'blog', 'latest-news' etc.
So now I have added 2 series and go to edit a post and choose Taxonomy the series options now appears. But how do I limit the categories to these only. At the moment when I select on the Series taxonomy all the categories are listed still. If that makes sense :)
This only relates to the backend views.
Last updated
you shouldn't need to worry about categories being exclusive to a series. they can be shared. For the front end - you'd just need to make sure that the categories and tags components on that series page are also filtered by series.
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