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Minor question on this - is it possible to split the different filter types into their own .htm files. At the moment everything goes through the search.htm.

But can it be 'tag-filter.htm' - 'category-filter.htm'?

Or would I need to detect the filter type on the same page and change the layout and content such as headers that way?

Last updated


It would take a custom view of the list component firstly. (To get the linking correct) And then yes, you could just have a page with the list component on it with optional params added: /category-filter/:slug/ with the list component pre-filtered to category. OR like my wife’s blog you can have pages that are just filtered by category and value. Http://


I am trying this but keep getting the error message.

Call to a member function posts() on null
return $tag->posts()->paginate($this->property('postsPerPage'));

If you contact me through our website I can help you set up your page structure for a nominal fee. Include FTP info so i can have a look first. I can then let you know how much. Also describe how you want the taxonomy to work exactly (when I click X url looks like Y. When I click on Z, url looks like W)


I have managed to sort it out by changing the following on line 275 of the BlogList.php part of the protected function loadPosts().

$tag = TagModel::where('name', '=', $this->property('filter_value'))->first();


$tag = TagModel::where('slug', '=', $this->property('filter_value'))->first();

Seems to work for both '' and '

Last updated


change pushed. I think that was some early code for properties for both filter by category and filter by tag by name rather than slug. slug is much improved and this change is correct. pushed.


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