So I have a plugin which isn't blog related but I still want to add tags related to the ProBlog plugin for searching purposes between the 2 plugins results.
Is it possible to extend the tags into another plugin as another tab?
Maybe sharing is the best way of putting it.
Last updated
sure. you just add a belongsToMany relationship just like you see in the proBlog Post model for tags, except create/use your own pivot table. (instead of pivoting on the problog_blog_post_tags
table, pivot on [myplugin]_[app_model]_tags
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Minor question will I need to duplicate the Livetag widget?
When using the type: livetag - the tags refresh perfectly as per a prolog post.
At the moment I will need to check how to update the tags if added to the prolog tags from myplugin, but also save them to the [myplugin]_[app_model]_tags table.
Fingers crossed it will be easy :)
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Update: I have got it working by duplicating the 'formwidgets/livetag' widget and renaming it in my custom plugin. Works a treat and inserting into the relations database structure :)
Also I needed to change the following to the custom forms name. customplugin/formwidgets/livetag/partials/_livetag.htm
fieldName: 'FORMNAME[tags][]'
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