Quick Responsive Slideshows

Quickly create fully customizable responsive slideshows and sliders

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Your plugin is amazing, but I had some kind of issue when incorporating the component to a Layout. It's not taking the CSS apparently for example the height. Thanks to your new update I have a workaround but I figure you should be noticed of this issue.



Can't seem to replicate this issue but happy to take a look. Do you have a live URL? My guess is the layout you are using does not have the {%styles%} tag in the header and this is required for the plugin to work as it injects styles into the header via this tag. Take a look at {%styles%} for more information.

Cheers, Pete

Last updated


Hey, thanks for the quick answer:

Here's an example

I have in the "accueil layout" :

<section id="home-section-carousel">
    {% component 'slider' %}

On my layout, I do have a partial meta with {% styles %} on it, but the slider isn't appearing. But it's not appearing in my page. Since your update I can now just put it on my StaticPage so i have a workaround so I don't mind!



Thanks for the link. I took a look and it appears the inline styles that allow the plugin function correctly are not being injected for some reason. You say you have a partial with the {% styles %} tag in it so I am thinking that this partial is getting loaded too late in the lifecycle but I am not sure. Take a look at the last thread in this post: https://octobercms.com/forum/post/injecting-css-file-from-component-does-not-work

Is this a custom built theme or a public one? Hard to completely diagnose without taking a look at the code.

Cheers, Pete

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