Asset Revisions

Provides a filter to make the theme's asset revision manifest file available in a twig filter.

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When I read this, I was like awesome! But when I read some more I got confused. Are the hashed automagically generated or do you have to edit the manifest everytime you update your asset files?


Cpt.Meatball said:

When I read this, I was like awesome! But when I read some more I got confused. Are the hashed automagically generated or do you have to edit the manifest everytime you update your asset files?

You are supposed to use a tool in your build tool chain. Gulp has gulp-rev that does this, grunt has something similar. So this would be an automatic step in the tool chain, no manual editing. This plugin, however, simple provides the filter to that parses the file and provide you with the correct revision.


Ohh like that. Guess I didn't read that good. Thanks for the reply!

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