Multi Domains

Create multiple domains or url and bind this to arbitry theme or page/staticpage with extending routing rules use single CMS installation (support backend)

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I've just installed the this plugin and I'm getting this error on the frontend. No settings have been changed as yet.

<em>Undefined index: url ~\plugins\linkonoid\mdomains\Plugin.php line 703</em>

I've noticed in the settings on active/edit theme list i am getting root folders instead of actual Themes:

<em>Default Active/Edit theme .git .github bootstrap config modules plugins storage tests themes vendor</em>

I am using xampp with multiple sites so folder structure is like:

Many Thanks



Very little information. What version of OctoberCMS are you using? Is it set to "Hard mode" in the settings? Is at least one url registered in the bind settings?

For a quick solution to the first error, just add a check for the presence of an array index in the condition:

if (class_exists('RainLab\Pages\Classes\Controller') && !empty($this->bind['url'])) .....

As for the second question - this is not an error, it was done this way from the beginning, since all themes and directories are known, and the name of the directory is the theme_author. "-". theme_code (it seemed to me more convenient than by the name of the theme).


I think this is because the config item cms.themesPath has been renamed in v2.0 to system.themes_path and there is no default value specified in the plugin so it reverts to the root directory.

Adding a default value or using themes_path() would be an appropriate fix.

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