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A lot of field types return this error in a popup: "Illegal string offset 'containerAttributes'" on line 546 of ~/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/HasAttributes.php

And using type_colorpicker_availableColors throw a error: The model class RainLab\Blog\Models\Category must define a method ['#000000']() returning html color HEX codes for the '_color' form field.

  throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.field.colors_method_not_exists', [
        'model'  => get_class($this->model),
        'method' => $availableColors,
        'field'  => $this->formField->fieldName

Last updated



Thanks for the error description information. Apologize for the delay, I saw your message only today and immediately fixed the bug. Sorry, an obvious little error if not controller set, please replace line 528



$this->addFormFields($form, $setsArr);

I’ve checked it again, there is still a warning "Illegal string" when saving in settings (do not pay attention, save, it doesn’t directly affect the work - only settings, these are some changes at the Laravel and October level - they don’t like the names of the fields, such an error did not occur before) and revealed another problem - the SecondaryTab is not activated when the controller is not installed (please sets model+controller). You can see the work in the settings of the blog page.

Now I’m just working on expanding the functionality of the plugin (in addition to the new Partials, there will be several new solutions for expanding the functionality) + bugs fixes. Also in the next release (v1.1.0), the interface will be changed from Settings Repeater to Controller List (inconvenient to work with large amounts of data).

The plugin is very complex from the point of programming the logic of its work. Thanks for your understanding. If you find others problems, please let me know about them, thanks!

Last updated


I seem to have identified the problem. The problem is a field called "attributes". This field name causes an exception (apparently at the OctoberCMS level when updating dependent fields, but this did not happen before). Conclusion: this name cannot be used (and not only in my plugin).

And colorpicker error fixed...

Plugin update to v.1.0.7 with bugs fixes.

Last updated

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