Flexi Contact

A Flexible and Configurable Contact Form to Add to any Page

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Hi there,

Using the default settings for the plugin, except when I hit send with no options filled out for testing, it prompts me with

The page at localhost says... "PLease enter your name" on line 43 of C:\wamp\www\mywebsite_cms\plugins\laminsanneh\flexicontact\components\ContactForm.php

Why is it revealing the entire file path? Also how can I fix this so it will just prompt to fill out if empty, thanks :)


Also wondering why, any clue?


Hi Jacob, I figure out why. Its to do with October CMS errors being left on. So it spits out the entire path.

To correct for production, edit cms.php in the app folder. Look for 'customErrorPage' and set to true. This will turn off errors and you can also make your own custom page. I dont know why october cms just has a default option to turn off error reporting instead, but at least you can inform the user of a problem.


ahhh, thank you man! :) Its working perfect now.

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