
Month, Week, and List calendar for displaying events on your site.

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Hi, I installed the MyCalendar Plugin and there are multiple errors there is an error with the php-function count() which you are using - empty variable (should be an array) is used and the AJAX handler is not working. it says that it could not be found I am using the latest OctoberCMS and latest PHP-Version Any idea, whats wrong with the AJAX handler, could already the count-issue


Do you have a file and line number for the error?

What Ajax handler can not be found using what component?

I am very interested in helping you but I will need specific information.


hi Kurt,

thanks for the fast feedback It is about the onShowEvent data-request (maybe more, havent tested all so far)

But there are more problems than that.. There are no Events showed in the Calender (Month, Week) - I can only see them, when i include the Event listing (60 days)

Kurt Jensen
Kurt Jensen

Did you install from market? There are dependancies that are installed via Composer.

Did you try it in default October theme? The plugin requires October Javascripts as included in default installed theme.


thanks for your reply

first I installed it via the market after getting errors ( I fixed a few, eg count() ) I looked at github and installed it another time manually from github

Composer installed doctrine/collections and simshaun/recurr

Anyway: I get an error for count() (need to fix that manualy) and I get the error for the AJAX-handler which I cant fix so far, if I get the problem solved (may its just for me) I will let you know Error via alert-box in frontend after clicking on an event from the event-list: AJAX handler 'onShowEvent' was not found


okay, I setup a new empty octoberCMS .. Next I installed your Plugin and still the same.. What am I doing wrong :D^^ The month/week calendar is not working (not showing events for the days) and the frontend AJAX-handlers are not working

Kurt Jensen
Kurt Jensen

I am away from my computer on vacation. I will be back Monday and able to help research this more. Sorry for the delay in further assistance.

I know there's an issue with count function in the latest PHP version.


oops, sorry no no, enjoy your vacation :D the count isnt my problem... thats quite simple to solve, the ajax-handler is my problem but anyway, enjoy your vacation and forget about this ;)


FYI it was absolutely my fault. I put the component into a partial Partials do not allow AJAX handlers (or I dont know how to activate them)

If I put the component into a page the AJAX handlers working fine


Glad to know that you got it working. :-)


I think i have a problem with the ajax handler regarding the the event form component. the form displays ok but the categories section is blank - no drop down of category options. Also if i try to submit a form with the details filled in (apart from categories) i get an error "Creating default object from empty value" on line 263 of /plugins/kurtjensen/mycalendar/components/EventForm.php. i appear to have all the required js files and have tested it with the october default theme, but no luck - same error. Any ideas?

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