Download Manager

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There is no way to go back from a sub-folder to a parent folder. how to add this?


Hi, as this feature was requested many times, we've added it in v1.0.8.

There is now a displayBreadcrumb property in the component, allowing to show a breadcrumb to go back to any parent folder.

If you which to only allow to go back to the direct parent instead, you could override the breadcrumb.htm partial as described here and use the following code:

{% set parent = parentCategories.last %}

{% if parent %}
    <a href="{{ parent.url }}">Back to {{ }}</a>
{% endif %}

Where is this displayBreadcrumb? i dont see it in the component


If you have version 1.0.8, you should now see it in your CMS Page from the backend here: image

Or if you prefer to edit the page using a text editor like in the documentation of the plugin, you can add the displayBreadcrumb line like this:

rootFolder = 0
path = "{{ :path }}"
displayBreadcrumb = true

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