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Hi After the last update of October 367
I got this error on the backend Call to a member function getPath() on string ****/public_html/vendor/october/rain/src/Database/Relations/AttachOne.php line 69
and the plugin is not working anymore on the login page
Thanks for the support
Last updated
I removed it from the project and reinstall it. same problem
`` Call to a member function getPath() on string ***/public_html/vendor/october/rain/src/Database/Relations/AttachOne.php line 69 TYPE
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
$file = ($sessionKey = $this->parent->sessionKey)
? $this->withDeferred($sessionKey)->first()
: $this->parent->{$this->relationName};
if ($file) {
$value = $file->getPath();
return $value;
} ``
Do you use the version 1.1.0 of plugin?
Where do you get this error message? On the back-end login page (/backend/auth/signin) or the settings page of plugin (/system/settings/update/indikator/login/style)?
On the backend setting page : /system/settings/update/indikator/login/style and I use the last version 1.1.0. I have also forced an update but I got the same error
/backend/auth/signin : show the regular OctoberCMS login page
Please delete the following row in database:
- Table: system_settings
- Where the value of "item" column is: indikator_login_style_settings
I hope it will be solved this problem.
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