I was hoping to use this plugin to add menu (food) items to a restaurant site. Is that a possibility?
There are many ways how to display menu items (depends on theme). So there aren't food or drink list components. But you can add this feature easily.
The sample php code:
function onStart()
$items = '';
$sql = DB::table('hospitality_foods')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('name')->get();
foreach ($sql as $item) { $items .= '<div class="item"> <div class="item-name">'.$item->name.'</div> <div class="item-price">'.$item->price.'</div> </div>'; } }
Insert the result in html:
{% items|raw %}
Last updated
gergo85 said:
I updated the Documentation of plugin.
Do you need any examples for useing the plugin?
Sorry just saw this message I tried the code u posted but i get error http://i.snag.gy/cl8uz.jpg
I need to add the food list like this by category on the front end:
-Category 1
--itemName -- itemDescription -- itemPrice
--itemName -- itemDescription -- itemPrice
-Category 2
--itemName -- itemDescription -- itemPrice
--itemName -- itemDescription -- itemPrice
Last updated
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