Virtual Appointments

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When installing the plugin, an error occurs that completely stops the site

There is no symfony directory in the filesystem in the vendor directory

{ "message": "require(/home/rezovoca/public_html/plugins/importaremx/citas/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory", "exception": "ErrorException", "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/classes/ComposerManager.php", "line": 108, "trace": [ { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/classes/ComposerManager.php", "line": 108, "function": "handleError", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/classes/ComposerManager.php", "line": 108, "function": "require" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/classes/PluginManager.php", "line": 238, "function": "autoload", "class": "System\Classes\ComposerManager", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/classes/PluginManager.php", "line": 185, "function": "registerPlugin", "class": "System\Classes\PluginManager", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/modules/system/ServiceProvider.php", "line": 51, "function": "registerAll", "class": "System\Classes\PluginManager", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php", "line": 586, "function": "register", "class": "System\ServiceProvider", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/ProviderRepository.php", "line": 75, "function": "register", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Application", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php", "line": 561, "function": "load", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Bootstrap/RegisterProviders.php", "line": 17, "function": "registerConfiguredProviders", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Application", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/october/rain/src/Foundation/Application.php", "line": 85, "function": "bootstrap", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php", "line": 162, "function": "bootstrapWith", "class": "October\Rain\Foundation\Application", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php", "line": 146, "function": "bootstrap", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php", "line": 116, "function": "sendRequestThroughRouter", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/home/rezovoca/public_html/index.php", "line": 43, "function": "handle", "class": "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel", "type": "->" } ] }

Last updated


You may need to run composer install inside the plugin directory to fix this


daftspunk said:

You may need to run composer install inside the plugin directory to fix this

absolutely not working option

\plugins\importaremx\citas λ composer install Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 14 removals

  • Removing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3)
  • Removing psr/log (1.1.3)
  • Removing psr/http-message (1.0.1)
  • Removing psr/http-client (1.0.1)
  • Removing psr/cache (1.0.1)
  • Removing phpseclib/phpseclib (2.0.29)
  • Removing monolog/monolog (2.1.1)
  • Removing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.7.0)
  • Removing guzzlehttp/promises (1.4.0)
  • Removing guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.2.0)
  • Removing google/auth (v1.14.3)
  • Removing google/apiclient-services (v0.154)
  • Removing firebase/php-jwt (v5.2.0)
  • Removing google/apiclient (dev-master)
  • Installing composer/installers (v1.10.0): Loading from cache Writing lock file Generating autoload files

Last updated


when trying to install via artisan, I get the following result:

C:\laragon\www\myoctober (octobercms) λ php artisan plugin:install importaremx.citas Installing Plugin: importaremx.citas Executing: composer require importaremx/citas-plugin

Using version ^1.0 for importaremx/citas-plugin ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update importaremx/citas-plugin Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Nothing to modify in lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 3 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  • Installing atlab/yandexmoneytransfer-plugin (v1.0.5): Extracting archive
  • Installing importaremx/citas-plugin (v1.0.13): Extracting archive
  • Installing initbiz/elearning-plugin (v1.1.1): Extracting archive Package jakub-onderka/php-console-color is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use php-parallel-lint/php-console-color instead. Package jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter instead. Generating autoload files


In ComposerManager.php line 110:

require(C:\laragon\www\myoctober\plugins\importaremx\citas\vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


In ComposerManager.php line 110:

require(C:\laragon\www\myoctober\plugins\importaremx\citas\vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

In ComposerManager.php line 110:

require(C:\laragon\www\myoctober\plugins\importaremx\citas\vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

[OK] Plugin 'importaremx.citas' installed


I tried to manually slip the package symfony / polyfill-intl-normalizer Starts to request the following missing


To fix it, run the following command in the plugin directory:

composer require google/apiclient-services google/auth google/apiclient

To the author, if you read this, please view the publishing plugins article for help with updating your plugin


daftspunk said:

To fix it, run the following command in the plugin directory:

composer require google/apiclient-services google/auth google/apiclient

To the author, if you read this, please view the publishing plugins article for help with updating your plugin

after that, composer install stopped deleting files, but the symfony components never appeared


The plugin stopped throwing errors for me after running that command. Check to make sure OCMS dependencies are installed with

php artisan plugin:check

Last updated


daftspunk said:

The plugin stopped throwing errors for me after running that command. Check to make sure OCMS dependencies are installed with

php artisan plugin:check

Everything worked. Thank you for support.

I hope the developer will read this thread sometime, but in the meantime, I have disabled updates for this plugin.


did you guys manage to make this plugin work properly with OCx2 and/or OCx3?

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