Social Login

Log in with your social media accounts!

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how to add linkedin "Extensible! Don't see one you want? Add it!"

Last updated

use Backend\Widgets\Form;
use Flynsarmy\SocialLogin\SocialLoginProviders\SocialLoginProviderBase;
use URL;

class LinkedIn extends SocialLoginProviderBase
    use \October\Rain\Support\Traits\Singleton;

    protected $driver = 'linkedin';

    protected $callback;
    protected $adapter;

     * Initialize the singleton free from constructor parameters.
    protected function init()

        $this->callback = URL::route('flynsarmy_sociallogin_provider_callback', ['LinkedIn'], true);

    public function getAdapter()
        if (!$this->adapter) {
            // Instantiate adapter using the configuration from our settings page
            $providers = $this->settings->get('providers', []);

            $this->adapter = new \Hybridauth\Provider\LinkedIn([
                'callback' => $this->callback,

                'keys' => [
                    'id'     => @$providers['LinkedIn']['client_id'],
                    'secret' => @$providers['LinkedIn']['client_secret'],

                'scope' =>
                    'r_liteprofile r_emailaddress',

                'debug_mode' => config('app.debug', false),
                'debug_file' => storage_path('logs/flynsarmy.sociallogin.' . basename(__FILE__) . '.log'),

        return $this->adapter;

    public function isEnabled()
        $providers = $this->settings->get('providers', []);

        return !empty($providers['LinkedIn']['enabled']);

    public function isEnabledForBackend()
        $providers = $this->settings->get('providers', []);

        return !empty($providers['LinkedIn']['enabledForBackend']);

    public function extendSettingsForm(Form $form)
            'providers[LinkedIn][enabled]' => [
                'label' => 'Enabled on frontend?',
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'comment' => 'Can frontend users log in with LinkedIn?',
                'default' => 'true',
                'span' => 'left',
                'tab' => 'LinkedIn',

            'providers[LinkedIn][app_name]' => [
                'label' => 'Application Name',
                'type' => 'text',
                'default' => 'Social Login',
                'comment' => 'This appears on the LinkedIn login screen. Usually your site name.',
                'tab' => 'LinkedIn',

            'providers[LinkedIn][client_id]' => [
                'label' => 'Client ID',
                'type' => 'text',
                'tab' => 'LinkedIn',

            'providers[LinkedIn][client_secret]' => [
                'label' => 'Client Secret',
                'type' => 'text',
                'tab' => 'LinkedIn',
        ], 'primary');

    public function redirectToProvider()
        if ($this->getAdapter()->isConnected()) {
            return \Redirect::to($this->callback);


     * Handles redirecting off to the login provider
     * @return array ['token' => array $token, 'profile' => \Hybridauth\User\Profile]
    public function handleProviderCallback()

        $token = $this->getAdapter()->getAccessToken();
        $profile = $this->getAdapter()->getUserProfile();

        // Don't cache anything or successive logins to different accounts
        // will keep logging in to the first account

        return [
            'token' => $token,
            'profile' => $profile

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