Blog Front Editor

Delegate Blog Posting to Authorized Front-end Users

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How to upload images via this plugin? Which plugins I need else for implement this?


Ok. This is code

title = "test" url = "/test" is_hidden = 0 child_of = "mey_no_parent" hide_crumb = 0 remove_crumb_trail = 0 crumb_disabled = 0

[PostForm] use_authors = 1 restrict_owner = 1 category[] = 3 backUser = 1 allowpublish = 1 allow_images = 1 slug = "{{ :slug }}" listPage = "blog/list" postPage = "blog/post"

{% component 'PostForm' %}

  1. Image uploading, but not adding to post. Why?
  2. After uploading images refresh page to edit image titles and descriptions. - And nothing happens. Uploaded image lost. What I can enter image title and description?

Ok. This is code

title = "test" url = "/test" is_hidden = 0 child_of = "mey_no_parent" hide_crumb = 0 remove_crumb_trail = 0 crumb_disabled = 0

*[PostForm] use_authors = 1 restrict_owner = 1 category[] = 3 backUser = 1 allowpublish = 1 allow_images = 1 slug = "{{ :slug }}" listPage = "blog/list" postPage = "blog/post"

{% component 'PostForm' %}

  1. Image uploading, but not adding to post. Why?
  2. After uploading images refresh page to edit image titles and descriptions. - And nothing happens. Uploaded image lost. What I can enter image title and description?

It is suppose to work with the responsiv.uploader plugin. But I just tested on my system an recieved an error. I will look into this and try have it fixed ASAP. ( Probably tommorow evening )


Thanks. I be waiting.


I have been looking at this again today.
After changing no code...

  • I reinstalled responsiv.uploader
  • made sure all plugins where up to date
  • Logged out and back in It is all working now. Not sure what or why I got an error before.

Here is the Form page file:

title = "News Editor Form"
url = "/news/form/:slug?"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

use_authors = 1
restrict_owner = 1
backUser = 1
allowpublish = 1
allow_images = 1
slug = "{{ :slug }}"
user_groups[] = 19
listPage = "news/list"
postPage = "news/story"
<div class="contain">
{% component 'PostForm' %}

Here is the List Page File:

title = "News Editor List"
url = "/news/list"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

use_authors = 1
restrict_owner = 1
category[] = 8
backUser = 1
formPage = "news/form"
<div class="contain">
{% component 'PostList' %}

My front end user is ( //mysite/backend/fireunion/blogfront/authors/update/1 )setup as a delegated author like so:

user = Kurt Jensen ( Frontend )
admin = Kurt ( Backend )
categories= ( about 4 out of 10 are checked )
can_publish = ON
allow_images = ON
note= test

Last updated


Thanks Kurt. It's worked for me But!

  1. I need create post (Image is not uploading)
  2. Go list and then Edit post (Image uploading, but fields title and description not appear) then save
  3. Go list and Edit post again. Fields title and description appear and can be fill and save
  4. Done Are it really normal? :) Of course I can make all this invisible for my users via JS/AJAX jokes, but I think a plugin (payed!) unusible this time, and must updated :) I very interested with your plugin, and can help with developing and testing Regards P.S. I made Russian localization for youre plugin while waiting and can send file to you

Hi, I need this fix too. Furthermore I suggest to add in Loaders.php: $this->post->excerpt = post('excerpt'); //around line 353, in save() function and to add in components/postform/default.htm around line 31 this div: `

    <textarea name="excerpt" id="Form-field-blog-excerpt" class="form-control field-textarea size-small">{{ }}</textarea>

For edit/saving "excerpt" fileld in frontend. Thanks. I be waiting too

Last updated


@vlad.visitor31540 - Would love to add your language file. You can send the file or link to .

I changed forms to use deferred binding of images. This should allow you to upload images before the post is saved for the first time.

I did not show the Description and Title fields for the images until after the post is saved. This will take me a little more research, coding and testing time that I just do not have time for right now.

@luigi.rossi28678 - I have added excerpt as an option for each author and for the forms. I did not originally have them because I did not want to have to explain to each author how excerpts function. I chose to simplify the form for people who just need to get something published but never have time to learn any computer related stuff. So it is now an option for each author and you can choose to enable it or not depending on how savvy they are.

Please update to version 1.1.6 to see the changes.

Last updated


Sorry, how i can update to 1.1.6 version ? Update plugin and force update in backend doesn't work. In changelog section there is a "pending" status.

Thanks for support

Kurt Jensen
Kurt Jensen

Sorry about that. I did not realize that I had test updates enabled on this plugin which requires an extra step when pushing out changes. Please try again.


How I can set Responsiv\Uploader parameters as thumbnailHeight and thumbnailWidth from blogfront plugin?

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